Harry's Pov
"Piper what are you here?" I ask
She just looks at me and smiles, she looks at Frank and and Tod and goes them a small nod. They then both come closer to me quickly and I get as close to the wall as I can.
The two men stop walking till they are only inches from my feet. Its silent, I'm not looking at them but I know they're looking at me.
Finally Piper speaks, "Well bring him to his feet stupid!"
I hear Frank mumble a small smile as the two men throw me to my feel causing me to moan in pain. My stomach feels like hell as does the rest of my body.
"Ahhh, is poor little Harold in pain?" Piper asks walking up to me. Motioning to Frank and Tod to leave my side.
I say nothing
I feel something hard hit my stomach again. I lean forward and can feel that I'm about to puke. Just then everything I ate the day before came up, which wasn't a lot.
For a solid 2 minutes I'm leaning over the ground, emptying my stomach. I can hear the 3 of them laughing in the background. When I'm finally done Piper is still standing in front of me, but now she has a bat. That must have been what she hit me with, where the hell did she get a bat that fast?
"So Harry, now you know what happens around here when you don't listen, thought you would have learned your listen by now, but you were always a bit stupid. Isn't that right Harry?
"Good boy, see now you're learning. Now to answer that question you asks. Why am I here? Well it's a long story but I'll give you the quick version. Once upon a time there was a popstar that all girls fancied over. I never knew why, I could just tell that he was stupid and he really wasn't all too attractive. And for a girl that grew up in a poor family I didn't understand why some people had so much when I had little to nothing. Now years going by I still had this belief, but with you, you were different. Because he really didn't deserve it, I could just tell you were depressed and were most likely cutting. It was obvious to me you were gay, and gay for your own band mate of all people. So I made a plan. Now blah blah I met you, blah blah fake loved you, blah blah manipulated you till the time was right. So me and my 2 friends behind me and going to get millions of dollars for some worthless, depressed popstar. Does that answer you're questions?"
"Wow you're really into one word answers aren't you pretty boy." Piper hands me something and I flinch away.
"Calm down it's just water."
I look at her funny. There's no way that's water. I can't trust her, not after what she just told me. I knew I wasn't loveable and this proves it.
"DRINK IT!" She yells bringing me out of my thoughts. I flinch again but quickly grab the water and take a big drink of it anyway. I didn't realize how thirsty I was. The water brought so much joy, the most joy I've had in a while. It tasted normal so that's good sign that it wasn't poisoned. But why would they try to kill me when they don't have the money yet.
After I finish the water I see that Piper is with Tod and Frank in another corner. They seem to be fighting. But before I can figure out what they're saying I find my eyes beginning to shut and I fall into a peaceful sleep.
I wake up feeling weird. I feel turned on for no apparent reason. I open my eyes and see the three of them looking over me. The 2 guys start to snicker as they leave the room and head upstairs. I look at Piper as she starts to take off her top.
"So Harry, why don't we start this thing."

The Good times (Narry)
RomanceHarry has always loved Niall. Ever since the X factor. How could you not Niall was perfect. So what happens when they share a kiss from a clumsy accident, will this affect there friendship, will they never talk again. In this story you'll read the...