Imagine #34 (Part One) - Lost Boys

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Imagine meeting the boys.

A/n - I feel like I've done something like this before, but oh well.

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Word Count: 594


You saunter through the upbeat crowd which occupies the boardwalk. Having just moved here, you shouldn't feel so at home in the new area and yet you do. The loud music pumps through your veins, fuelling the smirk that plants itself on your red lips.

Guys check you out, not bothering to hide it. You hardly spare them a glance, attention fixed on your destination.

Your brothers are in front of the stage where a band preforms, Sam dancing weirdly and Michael staring at a hot girl.

Chuckling at their antics, you swerve around the sweaty bodies dancing wildly to the beat of the drum and make your way towards your family.

Just as you're about to reach them, they take off.

You frown. You don't think they noticed your approach and if they did, they must be ignoring you for some reason.

Deciding to not go after them, you move your hips, affected by the intense music.

You make your way to the back of the crowd, enjoying yourself. A wolf whistle reaches your ears but you ignore it. It probably wasn't directed at you anyways.

Turns out, it was directed towards you.

A large, brutish man comes closer to you and whistles again. Your face hardens as you look away from him.

He tries to grab you, and you can tell he's intoxicated. Easily, you avoid his clammy hands and shove him away.

"Screw off," you warn him, yelling over the loud sounds of the band.

A few of the drunk's buddies snarl at you and you brace yourself for an altercation. Hand firmly wrapped around your pocket knife, you stare them down.

You stiffen as someone presses against your back, "You heard the girl."

The man's voice is low and sounds dangerous. Out of the corner of your eyes, you see three other men, each with their own fashion styles and hairdos. They smile deceivingly, their eyes betraying their desire for a fight.

Your would-be attackers retreat, looking scared as ever. As they depart, you wrench away from the stranger behind you.

"I had it under control," you state, your pride wounded. "You didn't need to interfere."

"A simple 'thanks' would be sufficient," the platinum blond says dryly.

Crossing your arms, you clench your teeth, "Thanks, but I was fine on my own."

"Sure you were, girly," the one that resembles Twisted Sister remarks.

You face him with a sneer, "I could've taken them easy. You too, princess."

The one with a crown of blond curls giggles and bites his thumbnail, "I like you."

"That's nice," you turn away from them and walk off, mood spoiled.

"Aren't you gonna stick around?"

"Nope. Places to go and people to see," you keep walking with determination.

They follow you.

Eventually, you arrive at a less populated area and swivel to face them. "What do you people want?"

They shrug, "What do we want, Paul?"

"We want something?" White Pants asks, feigning stupidity. Or maybe he's just that way.

You're not in the mood for this, spotting Michael and that girl he was following by the bikes. You have your own bike and so does Michael.

Hopping on your bike, you prepare to start it, but the men stop you by going right in your path.

You sigh and look at them pointedly.

"Know where Hudson's Bluff is?"


"Follow us then."

You laugh, "I think I'll pass tonight, boys. Maybe some other time."

David smirks, "How's that gonna work?"

"I'll find you," you smirk back and start your engine before driving off.

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