Imagine #35 (Part Two) - Lost Boys

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A/n - I've decided to update this book when I feel like it. So, updates will be rare. Anyways, hope you enjoy!

There will be a third part, don't worry.

Word Count: 648


When you wake, you don't recognize your surroundings.

Your memories are a bit fuzzy at first, but then you recall the horrific events that lead to this moment. Breath quickening, you begin to panic again. 

Looking around, you realize you're in a dim cave, on a small rocky island surrounded by water. 


The realization has you panting and pulling at your hair. How can this be happening?! Why does the universe hate you?!

"Relax," a deep voice demands. 

Your breathing stops altogether as you come to the understanding that you're not alone.

The four mermen are here, elbows propped on the stone you sit upon. Their gazes rest on you, quietly observing.

"You're safe here," the same one states, leaning forward a bit. 

Out of instinct, you scuttle away, stopping when your hand slips into the cold water.

"W-who are you?" You manage to speak, regaining the use of your lungs. 





They introduce themselves with smiles, glad that you seemed to have calmed down. They were worried that you wouldn't wake up. 

"H-hi," you say, waving slightly. "I'm Y/n."

How are you supposed to react to almost drowning and then discovering that mermen are real?

Marko's smile grows huge, "You're so cute."

Your face heats at the unexpected compliment, "Thanks..." 

"You don't remember us, do you?" Dwayne asks.

"Uh, no? Sorry, we've met before?" You frown, fear of water momentarily forgotten.

David nods, "You were younger then. You couldn't swim and I see that hasn't changed."

"You, you saved me from drowning?" Your eyes go wide, "All those years ago?"

"Yup, that was us," Paul boasts proudly. 

You blink, stunned at the new information. 

"We wanted to see you again, but you never came back," he continues sadly.

"I was too scared," you mumble, rubbing your hands together, "I haven't been near the ocean since, until now."

The mermen share glances and rise out of the water, sitting on the island with you. 

You can't help but stare at their tails, each a variation of red and pink. Without a second thought, you reach out and touch the nearest tail, which happens to belong to David. 

He smirks at the contact, allowing you to run your hand across his slippery tail. 

"Amazing," you breathe out in wonder. 

Paul takes the opportunity and grabs your leg, inspecting it curiously, "Legs are so weird, man."

You begin to laugh as his claws gently trail to your feet, "Stop! That tickles!"

Marko takes your other leg, rubbing it with his webbed hands. 

"Let me see," Dwayne shoves Paul out of the way. 

By now you've removed your hands from David's tail. He doesn't seem to like that fact, taking your hands in his in order to place them back on his scales.

You look at him with doe eyes, wondering what he's doing.

"I like your touch," he grins as he watches you become flustered. 

"I didn't think you guys existed."

He laughs, "If we didn't exist, then your life would've been cut tragically short."

"Thanks, for saving me. Both times."

The others are done examining your legs, crowding near your face. Water drops fall on you from their hair, but you don't mind. You're captivated by these otherworldly beings.

"We wouldn't let anything happen to you."

You chuckle, "I'm glad you didn't let me drown, but how am I going to get out of here?"

Peeking at your surroundings, you notice an open in the cave roof, but it's way too high up to climb.

"You'll have to swim. But, you're not thinking of leaving now, are you?"

"I can't swim."

"We'll help you."

Relief washes over you.

"But, you have to promise us something in return," David's eyes shine with mischief.

Your relief fades, "What?"

"Promise to meet with us every other day and we'll help you get out of here," he elaborates.

Mulling it over, you don't see the harm in the agreement. It's not like you travel much anyways. Besides, there's no way you're getting out of here by yourself and you want to get to know them better.


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