A Simple Day

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~7 years later~
Namjoon's POV
It's been 7 years. 7 years ever since Jin got arrested for what he did in high school. Hoseok and I graduated and went into college, then later on after college was done, Hoseok proposed to me and I said yes. Ever since we've been so happy, we even adopted our daughter Yuki, who is about 6 months old, and we became a happy family ever since. Right now Hoseok and I were laying down in bed, having a lack of sleep since Yuki kept crying all night. "I just wanna sleep but if I do then I won't wake up." "Same here Joonie..." Hoseok sighed and held my hand and kissed it, causing me to smile a little.

Right when we were about to take a nap, Yuki started crying so we both got up and went to her nursery. "What's wrong my little Yuki?" As soon as Hoseok picked her up, she stopped crying. "Is that all you wanted? Really?" I laughed a bit. "She just wanted her dad." He smiled. "My little Yuki!" He kisses her cheek and took her downstairs, thinking she was hungry. Hoseok had put her in her high chair and got some baby food out, which were bananas and they were her favorite. I saw down, and looked at my phone to see what has been going on in the world.

I look up and see Yuki making a mess all over her face and surprisingly, Hoseok had some all over his shirt. "How does that even happen?" "I have no idea..." I laughed and picked her up out of her high chair after she was done eating, cleaned her face and got her ready for nap time. She eventually did fall asleep so I put her down in her crib and left the room quietly, making sure the baby monitor was on and went into the room.

No one's POV
While Hoseok and Namjoon had fallen asleep from their lack of energy, Jackson was actually driving to a certain location, he was going to the prison to visit Jin. He parked his car, informed he was there to visit Jin and was allowed into a room and sat down, waiting for Jin to arrive. Finally after about 15 minutes, Jin was brought in and sat down while the guards left. "Hey Jin." "What now?" Jin looked at him. "You wanted me to give you information on Namjoon, so do you want it yes or no?" Jin sighed and nodded.

"So what's happened over the 7 years since I've been gone?" Jackson took his phone out. "Let's see, we graduated, Hoseok and Namjoon got married maybe...last year and they adopted a little baby girl named Yuki, she's about 6 months old." He showed the picture to Jin. "So, how are you going to help me get out of here?" "Relax Jin, I have it all planned out." "Tell me." Jin smirked a little. "You're gonna have to pretend you died, so they take you outside and you have the chance to kill them. There will be a car and some clothes for you to change into once you break out, and from there you can do whatever you want!" Jin was smirking the whole time. "Perfect."

"Is there anything else I should know?" "Hmm...no not right now, it's only March so you'll still have to wait until August 23rd, got it?" Jin nodded as Jackson stood up. "I'll be back in a couple of weeks with more information on Hoseok and Namjoon, see you later." Jin was brought back to his cell and Jackson went back to his car and drove home.

Everything will be just great.

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