Open Again

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~A Little Time Skip~
Namjoon's POV
It's been about, a year, or a year and a half, I lost count on how long I've been stuck here with Jin. But Yuki is now 2, it was her birthday last week. Jin acts like nothing is wrong, he made me get married privately to him, I acted like nothing was wrong on the private wedding but, I kept thinking about Hoseok the entire time, I had to think it was him the entire time I looked at Jin.

I was playing with Yuki since she asked if I wanted to play. "Are you hungry Yuki?" "Yeah! Goldfish!!" I smiled a bit. "No, I'll cut some strawberries for you." I got up and walked to the kitchen, grabbing some strawberries and cutting them up in small pieces. After putting the strawberries in a bowl, Jin came downstairs. "Babe what are you doing?" He came behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Just cutting up some strawberries for Yuki so she can have a snack." He started to kiss my neck, which made me tense. "Why did you get so tense?" He laid his chin on my shoulder. "I'm...just not used to it." I got away and gave Yuki her strawberries. "You'll get used to it soon Joonie." I smiled a little, making it believable and walked to the room.

I sat down on the bed, looking at a picture of Hoseok, Yuki and I at the beach, I still remember that day vividly.


"Look Yuki! The sand!" Hoseok smiled while holding Yuki, who was only 3 months old. Namjoon was sitting on a chair, watching Hoseok and Yuki play in the sand. "Make sure Yuki doesn't eat the sand." Hoseok nodded and picked her up and placed her on his lap. "Come on let's go near the water. Namjoon you wanna come with us?" I smiled and got up. "Sure!" I walked with them and sat near the water next to Hoseok. Yuki splashed in the water while sitting on Hoseok's lap, then got moved to Namjoon's lap. "I'm gonna go get the seashell for Yuki!" He got up and walked more towards the water until he flinched and held his foot up. "Hoseok what happened?" He limped back towards his husband and daughter. "I...stepped on a jellyfish." "Hoseok! Come on, let's get to the hospital. It could possibly be poisonous."

"Did I ruin Yuki's first day at the beach?" Namjoon shook his head. "You didn't, she had fun and that's what matters." He smiled and kissed Hoseok's cheek.

~Flashback ends~

"Namjoon?" I looked at him. "Huh?" "I've been trying to call you for the last 10 minutes." "Oh sorry...I zoned out a bit, thinking about Yuki when she was younger." "Then why do you have this picture?" He showed it to me, he seemed a little mad. I smiled a little at the picture. "She was only 3 months old, that was her first day at the beach, until Hoseok got stung by a jellyfish." I saw him really angry. "What did I say about mentioning him?" "T-T not say h-his name...I-I didn't mean to!" I got scared and tried backing away, but he grabbed my ankles and dragged me back, then pinned my arms above my head. "You know what you were doing!!" He slapped me a little hard, causing me to tear up.

But before he could do anything, Yuki knocked on the door. "Dad?" Jin got up. "Yes sweetie? What's wrong?" Jin went to her. "I'm bored, can you come play with me?" She smiled as Jin picked her up. "Of course sweetie, let's go play!" They both went downstairs as I quietly closed the door and started crying. "What do I do to deserve this?" I looked at myself in the mirror, the burn marks from the cigarettes are still there, some are kinda new, and majority were old burns, but they stayed. I calmed myself down and laid down in bed, falling asleep.

Jimin's POV
I was looking at the folder for Hoseok's case when Yoongi walked in. "Yoongi what are you doing here?" "I need to talk to you about something." "Okay, let's go to the interrogation room then." He followed me into the room. "What is it Yoongi?" He took a deep breathe. "Remember when that person came to our house about a year ago?" He looked at me. "Yeah why?" "That was Jin, I didn't say anything because he threatened to hurt you and the kids! And he was the one who murdered Hoseok." I looked at him shocked. "Are you sure he did murder him?" "Yes he did! The day before he came to the house, and told me, that he was gonna take Namjoon and kill Hoseok!" I looked at him in disbelief. "Okay, I'll let the others know but you know that makes you the prime witness right?" He nodded and sighs. "If you guys catch him then I'll testify." I smiled a little. "Okay, just go home and rest, I'll see if they can open the case up again." He smiled and we both left the room, I saw the detectives at the window.

"So your husband is the witness?" I nodded. "He came to our house and told him what he was gonna do, so maybe we can open the case again?" They all looked at each other and sighed. "We'll open the case again." I smiled and ran to my desk and started looking at evidence more closely.

I won't let anyone down, I'll arrest Jin for what he did.

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