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~A couple of months later~
No one's POV
The past months have been hectic, Jin was found guilty and he even pleaded guilty to what he did. Jimin and Yoongi are surprisingly having another child, even Jungkook and Taehyung as well. Namjoon finally has his own small house, and of course, adopting a 2 month old boy named Hyunjin. But before all of this, the two months of Jin's trial was a mess. Jin's lawyer made everyone who testified have a panic attack, causing the judge asking to bring in an emotional support dog for the other testifiers.

"And the last witness we'll call is Kim Namjoon." Namjoon stood up, Jimin going with him since he was allowed to be there as well as the emotional support dog. "So, how are you doing Mr.Kim?" "Doing better.." the lawyer nodded. "Can you try to remember some things that happened while you were kidnapped?" Namjoon nodded. "W-Well, h-he burnt me with cigarettes just for bringing Hoseok up, slapped me." "Okay, is the person who did all of this here?" "Yes." The lawyer walked back to the table. "Nothing further." Then Jin's lawyer came up.

"So...Mr.Kim, how do you feel about all of this?" "N-Not good.." "really? Why?" He took a deep breathe. "Because I have to do this all over again...just like many years ago." The lawyer walked up. "Because of the murders in high school. But, what's with all the stuttering, is that how you just lie?" "What? No it's not-" "or was it just because you want to bring him down so bad to make him get in prison again?" Namjoon started shaking badly as the support dog placed his paw on his hand and stayed by his side. "No I wouldn't do that!!" "Are you sure Mr.Kim? I'm sure you're just lying for the attention right?" Namjoon stood up with tears in his eyes. "No he did burn me with his cigarettes, punched me, slapped me and other things that hurt me!!!" "Mr.Kim sit down!!" The dog jumped up to calm him down and he finally sat down as Jimin rubbed his back to calm him down.

"Nothing further." Jin's lawyer sat down as Namjoon quickly got up and walked out quickly, people heard him starting to cry before the door closed. "Mr.Min please take the support dog to him and make sure he's okay." Jimin nodded and took the dog to Namjoon and saw him shaking badly, sitting on the floor and crying. "Namjoon it's okay...he only did it to make you feel pressured." The dog laid down on his lap so Namjoon could calm down. After assuring he was fine, he was able to calm down while Jimin called Yoongi so he could pick him up. After a 30 minute wait, Yoongi was outside and Namjoon was taken home while Jimin stayed to hear the what the jury had to say.

~Flashback End~

In the end, Jin was found guilty, and sentenced life in prison with no parole. After the trial, Namjoon had horrible nightmares for a good couple of weeks until they finally stopped. He did stay with Taehyung and Jungkook until he found a house and a job. He sent Yuki to her new school and she loves it, she's able to be there with her friend Mina. Taehyung always makes sure that Namjoon is okay, every 5 seconds. "Tae, I'm at work what do you need?" "Just making sure you're okay!" Namjoon laughed a bit. "You gotta make sure you're okay too! I gotta go, bye." Namjoon hanged up and realized his shift was done, so he checked out and drove to pick Yuki up.

After picking her up, and Hyunjin from daycare, he was finally able to be happy for the first time after living in hell for a couple of years, being happy with his children. Even though Hoseok isn't there to be a part of them, he knew that he was watching them from above, keeping them safe from any dangers. "Dad who's that?" Yuki brought a picture from the coffee table, pointing at Hoseok. Namjoon smiled. "That's your other dad, you were only a baby though but you would cling onto him all the time." She smiled as Namjoon kissed her forehead. "What happened?" Namjoon sighed. "Well, he passed away when you were a baby, but he's right here in yours and my heart." He pointed to his heart and to Yuki's heart. "And he's always watching over us okay?" Yuki nodded. "Can we go see him one day?" Namjoon smiled. "Sure sweetie, maybe tomorrow."

Yuki smiled until Hyunjin started crying. Namjoon got up and picked him up, going to the kitchen and getting a bottle ready, then started to feed him. He sat down on the couch as Yuki sat next to him. "Baby brother!" Namjoon smiled. "Yeah, your baby brother and you need to promise me that when he gets older then you have to protect him okay?" Yuki nodded and smiled while looking at Hyunjin.

Now you might be asking, what about Jin? Well after being arrested, he admitted to everything he did to Namjoon, even though his lawyer tried to lie about it and that didn't go well. Jury found him guilty and his sentencing was life, and he didn't even try fighting back. They kept him in a more secured place so he wouldn't escape, and no cell mate for him either. Jackson who helped Jin, was also arrested and went to life in prison for assisting him with the plans. But Jin hasn't once acted out, he was too out of it to even react, and that's how he's been for the past couple of months.

But now he won't hurt Namjoon anymore, and Namjoon can be happy with his daughter and son.

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