The Nightmare Begins

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"No Hoseok stay with me!!!"

"You're all mine Namjoon, don't forget that."

Namjoon's POV
I woke up quickly and sat up breathing heavily and looking around, I sighed in relief when I saw Hoseok sound asleep next to me. But he started waking up and he propped himself on his elbows. "What are you doing awake babe?" "Nightmare." Hoseok pulled me down softly and held me close. "You're fine...I'm here okay? Now get some rest, it's only 3 in the morning.." I smiled a little while falling asleep.

~Later On~

I woke up and sat up, but Hoseok wasn't next to me, so I got up and changed and looked around the house for Hoseok, luckily he was with Yuki in her room. I smiled and went downstairs to eat some cereal. After finishing the cereal and washing the bowl, Hoseok came downstairs with Yuki in his arms. "Hey! How did you sleep?" "Pretty good." Hoseok kissed my cheek and put Yuki in her high chair. "Are you okay after your nightmare?" I nodded. "I don't even remembered what happened, all I heard was screaming, then being told I belonged to them....I think it was Jin." He kissed me and looked at me. "I won't let him lay a finger on you, okay? I promise you on that."

I smiled until I heard something break. "Namjoon hide with Yuki now!" I picked Yuki up and went into a closet nearby. "Hey Hoseok! Long time no see right?" I knew that voice, it was Jin. "What do you want? Just so you know Namjoon isn't here right now." Jin chuckled, "don't lie, I know he's here so I want you to get Namjoon to come out right now." Hoseok chuckled. "Never." I saw Hoseok start fighting Jin in the living room, so I got out and put Yuki in the crib in the living room. "Hoseok stop!!" Jin smirked. "Hello Namjoon, how have you been?" He walked up to me and caressed my cheek causing me to flinch a little and get away from him.

Hoseok started fighting him again until Jin was  on top of him then started punching him. "Stop it!!!" Jin pulled something out, it was a knife. Jin raised the knife and stabbed Hoseok in the chest, three times. He then got up and walked away. "I'll take yours and Yuki's stuff." I ran to Hoseok and started crying. "Hoseok you're gonna be alright!!" I was shaking badly while trying to dial the police, but Hoseok stopped me. "D-Don't..." He looked at me. "What do you mean don't!? You're bleeding out and you need help!!" He held my hand tightly. "I-It's no use....just be happy okay?" He pulled me close and placed a kiss on my lips.

"No Hoseok stay awake!!" It was too late, his eyes were already closed and his breathing stopped. I started crying hard and held his hand tightly. "T-This didn't need to happen!" Jin came back and went to the car and placed the bags in there, then proceeded to walk towards me. I looked at him with tears in my eyes. "Y-You won't be able to take me without a worry, my brother will know I'm missing, Yoongi and Jimin will, even Jackson." Jin just chuckled. "That's sad because Jackson was the one planning everything." I got up and grabbed whatever was near, which was a vase and threw it towards him.

Jin dodged it and grabbed me and covered his mouth with a clothe, causing me to pass out. "Just remember this Namjoon..." Jin got close to me ear.

"You'll all mine Namjoon, don't forget that."

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