Intense Call

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Hoseok's POV
I was cuddling with Namjoon while Yuki was asleep in her room. While I was cuddling him
while he was asleep, he started to move around a lot and mumbled something. "Joon? Hey wake up.." I tapped his shoulder lightly but that caused him to get scared and he started to say something. "J-Just stay away!" "Namjoon wake up! I'm here!" I held him close as he finally woke up while breathing heavily. "Hey what happened?" He finally calmed down and hugged me tightly. "I-I had a nightmare...J-Jin was there, a-and he hurt you and tried to get me and Yuki!" He started crying onto my shoulder as I rubbed his back softly. "'re okay, he's in prison and he won't come back okay? I won't let him get you or Yuki."

He smiled a little after he stopped crying but, we heard the baby monitor, Yuki was awake and was making baby noises so I went up to her room and picked her up, then went back to the room. Yuki was laying her head on my shoulder as I sat down next to Namjoon and passed her over to him. "My little Yuki..." Namjoon smiled and held her close. I smiled as well as Yuki had her pacifier in her mouth and was watching the TV since I had put the channel with her favorite cartoons.

" you ever think that Jin might escape?" Namjoon looked at me after he put Yuki in her little play pen in front of the TV. "No why? Did you remember something he said?" He nodded. "The day when they said he was guilty...he said whatever he said then said, see you 8/23/23." I looked at him in a little confusion but figured it out quickly. "8/23/23 is August 23rd, 2023, and that was the first day of school and when he met you!" He looked a little scared. "W-What if he hurts Yuki!?" He started to have a small panic attack. "Babe nothing will happen! He only said that to make you scared, it's March so I'm sure he didn't mean it, you're safe okay?" He finally calmed down and hugged me tightly.

We were cuddling while Yuki was playing, when my phone rang. I got up and walked out of the room and answered, it was a random number. "Hello?" "Hello Hoseok. Long time since we last talked." I was shocked. How did Jin get my phone number?" "I just remembered it so I decided to call, since I always get my phone time once a week. So how is Namjoon?" I scoffed. "He's fine, he's in the room right now." "I want to talk to him." "No you're not. You're only talking to me." It was quiet for a bit, which was a little tense. "How's your daughter Yuki?" I got really tense once he said Yuki. "How do you know about Yuki?" He chuckled. "People talk and I hear everything. Now listen, if you think you can protect Namjoon from me, you're wrong! I'll be there soon for him, so see you 8/23/23." He hung up and that lead me to being really worried.

I went back inside and went to Namjoon and held him close, closer than I usually do. "You rarely hold me really close, did something happen?" I shook my head. "It's nothing, are you hungry?" He nodded. "There's some chicken we could get. I made it earlier." "That's why it smelled good!" I smiled and kissed him, then got up and picked Yuki up, who was playing and held my hand tightly while going to the kitchen. Namjoon was getting some baby food ready for Yuki, since she was hungry as well. I put her in the pink and yellow high chair and Namjoon started feeding her some mashed up bananas. I was eating and helped Namjoon feed Yuki the rest of the mashed bananas, while he started eating.

After awhile, she started falling asleep so I picked her up and put her in the crib and turned the lights off, and realized Namjoon was in the shower so I decided to wait for him and sat down on the bed. He finally came out and plopped onto the bed, so I laid down next to him and pulled him close. "Who called you?" I sighed. "Don't be scared was Jin." He looked at me. "What did he say?" He sat up a bit. "Just asked about you, but I wouldn't let him talk to you, and he knows about Yuki." He had a look of worry on his face. "What if he really breaks out of prison Hoseok!? He's gonna hurt you, and take Yuki and I!!" "Hey NOTHING is going to happen! I'm going to protect you with all my life! Okay?" He calmed down and nodded.

He smiled a little and kissed his cheek. "Everything will be fine, trust me."

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