Finally Rescued

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No one's POV
Jimin was awake, making pancakes for the kids and himself. Yoongi was asleep on the couch, he had no blanket and only a pillow, and it was freezing cold. Jimin grabbed a blanket and covered Yoongi, then started eating and quickly went to work. Once he checked in, he saw everyone getting ready to go arrest Jin and take Namjoon and Yuki back safely. Jimin sat at his desk and grabbed his phone and called Taehyung. "Hello?" "Hey Tae, it's Jimin." "Oh hey Jimin! What do you need." Jimin took a deep breathe. "We found where Namjoon is, and we need you and Jungkook to be there so he can be able to be with his family." "We'll be there in a bit." "Okay, bye." He hanged up and changed into a bulletproof vest and got his handgun and handcuffs.

After awhile, Taehyung and Jungkook came in and everyone went to the police cars and started driving to the location, following Jimin who was driving while Jihoon looked out of the car window. "We'll finally be able to get Namjoon to safety." "Yeah...he'll be safe once we get him." He continued driving while Taehyung and Jungkook were sitting in the back, both of them were really anxious and nervous. After an hour of driving they made it. Jimin and all the others were behind the car doors and had their guns out. "Kim SeokJin come out with your hands in the air!!" Jihoon yelled and everyone waited for him to walk out.

Meanwhile inside, Jin was yelling at Namjoon after hearing Jihoon and the cops. "You were fucking lying you piece of shit!!!" He slapped him and Namjoon started crying. "N-No I swear I wasn't lying Jin!! Yuki didn't know what she was doing with the phone!!" Jin growled and hit him again. "You know what? Get the hell up!!" Namjoon quickly got up as Jin grabbed his gun and walked to the door, opened it and was holding Namjoon tightly while aiming the gun at his head. "Put the gun down and give up already!! You've been found already as well!" Jin just laughed. "You think I'll give up so easily fine then let's just imagine how it will be when there's a bullet in Namjoon's head!!" He was getting the gun ready while Namjoon was crying and shaking vigorously.

"You're gonna let go of him! People have came in and will testify against you! So just give up!!" Jin held Namjoon even closer. "And like I said, I'm not giving up so fucking easily!!" He was about to pull the trigger when Yuki ran out and pulled Jin's hand down and started crying. "Don't hurt dad!!" Jimin signaled some of the cops to put their guns down while some kept the guns up. "I want dad to be okay!" Yuki was crying a lot and kept holding his hand down. "Yuki let go!!" He pushed her harshly and tried to aim the gun again but Yuki held his hand again and started to sing something.

"Y-You are my sunshine, my only sunshine"
Jin was shocked at what Yuki was singing.
"You make me happy when skies are grey!"
He slowly started losing grip on the gun and teared up.
"You'll never notice dear, how much I love you."
Jin didn't have the gun since his grip got really loose.
"P-Please don't take my sunshine away.."

Jin has suddenly started crying and his grip on Namjoon was loose, allowing cops come up and quickly grab Yuki and Namjoon. "Namjoon!" Taehyung ran up to him and hugged him tightly as Namjoon kept crying and hugged back. Jungkook picked Yuki up and joined the hug as well. "Put your hands up Jin." Jin raised his hands and was still crying a bit. Jihoon had put the handcuffs on him and took him to the car and pushed him into the back and drove him to the station as Jimin went to Namjoon and the others. "Let's get you and Yuki to the hospital, we gotta make sure you're okay." Namjoon nodded and Jimin took him and Yuki to the hospital.

The doctors recommended for Namjoon to stay so Jimin had a guard come protect him while he took Yuki to the house. "I'm back!" "Wait is that Yuki?" Jimin nodded. "Namjoon is in the hospital, they wanted him to stay overnight and tomorrow we're gonna ask him what happened, then Jin's trial. Again." He put Yuki down and sighed. "What's wrong?" "It took us years to find them...Namjoon could be in pain, he could hav trauma from this and I don't know if they have a place to stay in." Yoongi went to him. "I'm sure Taehyung will let them stay but if they don't then we can." He nodded as Yuki went to go play with Mina.

Jimin was about to start walking but he fell, luckily Yoongi caught him. "You need to get rest...I'll go see Namjoon after you fall asleep okay?" He nodded as Yoongi picked Jimin up bridal style and got to the room, placed him in bed and left to the hospital since he was already asleep. When Yoongi got to Namjoon's room, there was a detective, asking nonstop questions and it was obvious Namjoon was starting to freak out. "Sir, can you please leave? It's obvious he's freaking out." The detective left and he sat next to Namjoon. "How are you holding up?" "Okay I guess...I....I just wish this didn't have to happen. If h-he just stayed in prison, Hoseok would be alive, seeing Yuki grow up." He teared up and Yoongi hugged him gently.

"He's in a better place Namjoon and he's watching over you and Yuki...okay?" He nodded and wiped his tears away. "Okay...thanks." "I'll come by with Jimin tomorrow to pick you up." He nodded and Yoongi left.

Namjoon is finally safe.

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