Application Form

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[A/N: Hello! I need characters for my story. Five girl trainees for SHOWBT Entertainment na makakasama nila Ash, Cora at Alana. Out of five, I'll pick two for the reserved spotlights that will happen next in Found You]


Name: (Must be catchy and unique, don't make it too complicated or too unique)
Age: (Between 18-20)
Personality: Do you want her to have a bad character at first, and eventually develops in the story? And what would it be?
Position wanted: [Main Vocal, Leader, Visual and Main dancer is already taken. Main dancer, Maknae and Rapper is available (Hindi pa final ang lineup positions hahaha, baka mag-bago, if that's fine with you)]
History: Why she wanted to be a trainee. Her background. How she got into the company. How many years she's been training, o baguhan palang siya.

See you in the Camp, girl!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2020 ⏰

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