Part 9 | "And Then There Were Two"

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- From the living room, a phone starts ringing.

-"That's my phone." Jungkook says

-We go over to it and he answers.

-A whisper comes through the phone. 


-He sits down and puts his hands over his face.

-"It's okay, Kook. I've got this. Stay here." I says as I run into the kitchen and go through all of the drawers, finding anything we could use.

-I come back to the living room and knock everything off of the table, putting down the tools I found.

-"Stay calm. We have seven minutes. Start with your eyelashes." I say

-Jungkook rips off an eyelash and I rip out a piece of hair.

-"Okay okay. Now, I need your fingernail." I say, holding up one of the tools

-"My whole fingernail!?" Jungkook shouts

-"You already had a tooth pulled out. You can do this for sure." I reply

-Jungkook nods and I quickly grab his hand and rip his nail off.

-He screams in pain.

-"It is okay!? I'm sorry!" I shout

-"It's okay! Next one!"

-"Skin! Skin!" I grab the skin around my elbow and hold it out

-"No Y/N No!" Jungkook yells

-"It's okay! Just do it!" I respond

-Jungkook sobs while picking up a knife and slicing off my skin.

-"I'm so sorry!" He cries

-"It's fine! It's fine!" I reply

-The lights suddenly flicker and the table shakes.

-In the mirror in the corner of the room, writing appears.


-"Sh*t! We need to do whole living parts!" He shouts

-"Skin.. It would have had to have been all of my skin.." I say in a low voice

-"God, what a waste!" Jungkook replies. "What now!?"

-"....My earlobe" I reply

-I take the pair of scissors and hold it to my ear.

-"Y/N, wait!" Jungkook tries to stop me

-I cut off my earlobe and scream in pain. 

-"We don't have a lot of time! Now what!?" Jungkook rushes

-I scan the room and spot the cooler.

-"We'll put it in the cooler and they'll be able to sew it back on." I say to myself

-"WHAT? Sew what back on?" He asks

-"My pinkie!" I take the knife and hold it over my pinkie on the table.

-"No, do mine!" Jungkook  replies

-"What, no!"

-He puts his hand on the table. "Come on!"

-"I can't!" 

-"Use the clippers instead!" He shouts.

-I grab the clippers and put Jungkook's pinkie inside. I quickly break his pinkie as he screams 

-Jungkook throws it into the cooler while bawling. He wraps his hand in a cloth while I take off my shoe and sock and place my foot on the table.

-"My pinkie toe!"

-Jungkook grabs the clippers and does it fast as I fall to the floor, holding my foot while crying. Jungkook tosses my toe into the cooler and gives me a cloth to wrap my foot in. 

-"I'm so sorry, Y/N!"

-"One more! We need one more! What should we do?!" I ask, frantically thinking 

-Jungkook sits on the couch and places his ankle on the table.

-"NO NO NO" I sob

-"Do it, Y/N! We don't have much time!" He yells

-"I can't do that to you!" I respond

-"You have to!"

-I stand up, take off my belt, and wrap it around Jungkook's lower thigh. I, then hug him by his head.

-"You're my best friend, Kookie. I love you. I'm sorry."

-"I love you too, Y/N. It's alright. Do it now!" He replies

-I take the small ax from the table and Jungkook starts panicking.

-"Look at me! My face! Don't look at your foot!" I say, trying to make him stop thinking about it.

-I pierce the ax through his foot and we both scream and cry. By the third time I ax his foot, he is passed out. Once I've finished the dare, I take Jungkook to the car and start driving quickly to the hospital.

-"Jungkook. Hang in there. Stay with me."

-Jungkook moans with tears in his eyes.

-"Just keep your eyes opened. Don't sleep." I say

-All of the sudden, the GSP in the van becomes all static.

-"No no. I don't know where to go." I panic

-The screen goes black and then I am dared to do something I could never even imagine.


-Jungkook just looks at the screen and cries softly.

-"No! NO! I won't kill him! YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM!!" I scream 

-"Y/N, you have to.." Jungkook says in a low, weak voice

-"No! NO!" I sob

-"If you don't do the dare, the dare does you. You can't save me, Y/N." Jungkook replies

-"Yes, I can! Don't say that! You don't know that!" I cry

-"Yes I do. Y/N, someone has to live! You have to live!" Jungkook responds

-I pant, trying to stop myself from crying

-Jungkook grabs my hand. "Y/N, please."

-"O-okay." I reply

-I start accelerating and driving towards the end of the road, towards a large mass of trees.

-"Y/N, what are you doing??" Jungkook gets nervous

-I just breathe deeply and don't say a word

-"Y/N, stop."


-We begin to approach the trees and I don't slow down.

-"Stop it! Y/N STOP!" Jungkook shouts in fear

-The car drives off of the road.

-"Y/N STOP! NO!"

-The car swerves left, aiming the passenger seat towards the trees, and crashes into the them. Glass shatters everywhere.

-Everything goes black.






-*Y/N gasps*






-*Jungkook gasps*

-"Y-you're alive too?" I ask, weakly

-He nods. "We beat the game, Y/N. We did it." He smiles

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