Part 4 | "You Lie, You Die"

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-"No, there has to be a way out of it. We can't play three rounds." Jin replies

-Hoseok sits down with his head in his hands.

-"Isn't it clear? We do the dare and we live. If we don't do the dare.." Hoseok says

-"Who hasn't gone?" Yoongi asks

-"You, Jin, Hobi, and Jimin." Jungkook replies, looking around at everyone in the room.

-"I vote Yoongi goes next." Taehyung says with a glare

-"What? Because you think I planned this all? How immature of you." Yoongi replies with an eye roll.

-"You know what? I'll do it. We can't turn on each other. This is a life or death situation now." 

-Jin picks up a card and we all look at it.


-"What does that mean?" Hoseok asks

-Suddenly, the chandelier falls from the ceiling into the middle of the room, leaving wires left hanging from the ceiling. Sparks are still flying from them. There is a whisper heard from somewhere in the house saying, "one minute."

-A sharp look appears in Namjoon's eyes.

-"Yoongi, grab that blanket on the couch." Joon says as he points to the plaid blanket.

-"What??" Yoongi exclaims

-"Bring it over here." Namjoon says, rushing him

-Namjoon goes over to Jin and puts his hand on his shoulder.

-"Calm down and listen. I'm not going to lie to you. It's gonna hurt. You might not be able to let go of the wires." Namjoon says to Jin

-"Yoongi, you're gonna hold the blanket and you're going to run to Jin, FAST" he continues

-"Why me??" Yoongi starts freaking out.

-"Just shut up and do it. Jin, when he gets to you, that's when you'll grab the wires. Yoongi will run into you and knock you away from the circuit. If this works-" Namjoon says before getting cut off

-"If!" Jin shouts

-"It should." Namjoon replies

-"It should? It should what?" Jin shouts again

-"Keep you alive" Namjoon responds

-"That's a big if Namjoon!!" Jin states loudly

-"You trust us though, right?" Joon asks

-"Y-yeah" Jin replies

-"We'll make sure nothing bad happens." Joon hugs Jin and tears start forming in Jin's eyes.

-Namjoon moves away and looks at Jin and Yoongi to make sure they're both ready.

-"Yoongi, go!" Joon shouts 

-Yoongi runs with the blanket and Jin grabs onto the wires for only one second before being rammed by Yoongi. They are thrown onto the floor and Jin's mouth starts foaming. Everyone makes a circle around Jin. Hoseok grabs his arm and looks for a pulse.

-"Is he alive!?" Hoseok yells

-Namjoon shakes Jin with force and he gasps.

-Everyone sighs in relief.

-I run into the hallway and pace, whispering to myself about how insane this situation is.

-Jimin runs after me and tries to calm me down.

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