20 | Left The Country

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I didn't walk with Peter to school.

I mean, I tried to, but when I rang the doorbell, May told me he wasn't home. Apparently he slept over at his friend's house. I didn't even need to ask where he was. We were supposed to go to Germany today, which was the only thing I was excited for.

During classes with Friday, I kept sensing Peter glancing over at me, but I ignored him. After all, he ignored me last night. As soon as the school day ended, I rushed out of the office and made my way towards the workshop.

Focus on Germany. That's all that's important.

"Anything going on?"

I was shoving things into my backpack when I heard Tony's voice. We were in his workshop, making finishing touches to the Spider-man suit (much to my distaste).

"Yeah," I shrugged, "just excited to finally get out of the country."

"Don't lie to me, kid," he sighed, "I read the reports."


He tossed another one of his dice devices onto the table in front of me, a screen projecting up into the air. A analytic table composed by Friday had a list of topics we had gone over in the day, and then a sentence in bright red letters at the bottom:


"I don't see why I have to tell you anything," I shrugged, zipping up my bag, "it says it right there."

"Why weren't you two talking? For god's sake I said get comfortable, not break up."

"No one broke up, since no one was together in the first place."

"Then why aren't you two talking? I'm about to risk a lot by bringing you two to Germany, and if the both of you can't cooperate, there's a problem."

"Okay, fine!" I groaned, staring at the ground, "I just wanted to focus on my work. That's all."

It wasn't a complete lie, but it wasn't the complete truth, either. The actual truth was, that I was basking in jealousy and taking it out on him. It's probably all my fault, I never told Daisy I was interested, and she had every right to go swooping in. Why do I mess things up all the time?

Tony narrowed his eyes, but cleared his throat. I couldn't tell if he knew I was lying, but some part of me was sure of it.

"I understand," he said, "but don't let work get in the way of your life. I would know, trust me."

Life advice from Tony Stark 101. Of course I trusted what he said, he's freaking Tony Stark, but I just didn't want to accept the fact that Peter ditched me for my friend. It was better just to pretend it didn't happen, or that he wasn't even there.

"I won't," I nodded, "when are we heading out?"

"Now. I hope you're packed."

"I am!"

"Good," Tony said, nodding towards the door, "let's go."

I followed him out of the workshop, and we made our way to the elevators. It was a silent (and mostly awkward) ride up to the airplane hanger, but I tried not to think about it. I haven't been on a plane before, much less a private jet, and my body was buzzing with excitement.

We weren't even out of the elevator, before my phone started to buzz:


I stared at it blankly, not sure what she wanted. I let it ring out for a minute, processing what to do. 

"Are you going to answer that?" Tony asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Oh-yeah," I stuttered, hesitating to pick up the call.

"Put it on speaker."

I smiled weakly, "It's just my friend, it's not that-"

"I'm interested on why you don't want to answer her," the man shrugged, "so put it on speaker."

I gulped, sliding the call button to the right and putting it on speaker. Daisy's voice rang out loudly into the elevator, almost at the screaming point.

"Y/N!" she yelled, "oh my god!"

"What?" I muttered, biting my lip.


"Just tell me."

"Peter asked me out!"

I felt like I had been smacked in the face. My cheeks started to burn with disappointment, and I stared at the ground. Daisy didn't seem to care that I didn't respond.

"Okay, maybe I left him a few hints, but still! Isn't he just sooo cute?"

"L-listen, I have to go," I stuttered, "congrats."

"Where are you going-"

I hung up the call, shoving my phone back into my pocket. I couldn't tell what was bothering me more. Peter asking my friend out, or the fact that Tony was witness to it all. He didn't say anything at first, but he placed a hand on my back and patted it softly.

"Work, huh?" he said, "I wouldn't worry about it if I was you."

I frowned, "I'm not worried. I don't care."

The elevator doors slid open, and he walked out. The bright sunlight was blinding me, but I followed after him, my suitcase dragging along.

"If you want my opinion," he said, putting on his sunglasses, "the last time I checked, your friend wasn't employed at Stark Industries."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm just saying," he said, "think about who's really winning."

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