22 | Two Hearts, One Bed

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"The hotel is within walking distance," Happy said, "so don't think I'll be carrying your suitcases."

Peter and I had eventually warmed back up to each other on the plane ride, mainly because he brought a dual headphone adapter, and I wanted to watch Netflix. sometimes you just have to suck it up when it comes to watching Stranger Things. When the plane landed,  I dragged my suitcase down the ramp, and took in the sights of Germany.

There weren't any.

 We were in an airport hanger, and the only thing I could see was a grey wall with the logo 32B spray painted on it. Peter followed after me, skipping along the concrete floor.

"Do you think Mr. Stark will let us explore?" he grinned, tugging on the strings of his backpack.

"You want my honest answer?" I said, turning to look at him.



"Oh," he said, his face dropping.

What? He said he wanted my honest answer! I set my suitcase back on it's wheels, and watched as Tony strut down the stairs, sliding sunglasses onto his nose. He motioned for Happy to come near him, and whispered something into his ear. I walked away, deciding it wasn't my business to eavesdrop.

"I need to meet up with some other people," Tony said, finally approaching the two of us, "so just head to the hotel."

"Who are you meeting?" I asked.

"The team. Vision, Nat-"

"Black widow?" Peter exclaimed, jumping into the conversation, "I LOVE her!"

Tony looked at me briefly, then back at Peter, back at me, and then back at Peter. I could tell he was still annoyed with the boy for dating Daisy, and I completely agreed. Even though we were on good terms, I was still slightly mad about it.

"Yeah, her," Stark said, brushing past us.

Peter whimpered, watching him walk away, "he's totally mad at me."

"And what about it?" I shrugged, "you have Daisy."

One point for me, zero points for Peter. I'll admit I was being excessively petty, but it felt good.


As Happy said, the hotel was within walking distance from the airport. It didn't take us long for us to check in, and soon we found ourselves standing outside of a suit. One suit.

"We're sharing a room?" I asked, furrowing a brow.

"Yeah," Happy said, pulling out his keycard and tapping it against the room next door, "have fun."

"Wait, Hap-"

The door shut swiftly behind him, and Peter and I were left standing alone in the hallway. I blinked awkwardly, before pushing open the door and shoving my stuff inside. The room was huge, with a large tv, a million magazines, and frames all over the walls. It was collectively bigger than my kitchen and living room combined.

"Oh, maybe sharing a room won't be too bad" I said, smiling, "this place is really spacious."

"There's only one bed," Peter said quickly.


"There's only one bed."

He pointed to the corner of the room, where one king-sized bed was sitting. When Happy said we were going to share a room, I expected there to be a double bed set, not one bed.

This was really bad.

"I'll be right back," I frowned, letting go of my suitcase and rushing out into the hallway.

As soon as I heard the door close, I pulled out my phone, and dialed Tony's number. Putting it up to my ear, I listened to the dial tones ring. He picked up on the second one.

"Tony speaking," I heard him say, "what's up, kid?"

"There's been a mix-up with the rooms."


"Yeah, apparently I'm supposed to share a room with Peter?"

"I know. I told Happy to cancel the second room as soon as we got off of the plane."

So that's what they were whispering about. Wow. I opened my mouth, but I struggled to find the words to respond. What was I supposed to say? Oh, right, the beds.

"There's only one bed, though," I added, "what are we supposed to do?"

"Sleep in it."


I heard him sigh from the other end, muttering something inaudible under his breath.

"Okay, look. I canceled the second room because Peter needs to get his head out of the gutter."

"I agree with that, but I don't understand why that requires us sleeping together!"

"Go along with it, he'll come to his senses sooner or later."

"Was that a pun?"

"I don't make puns. Just trust me."

I was about to respond, but he hung up on the call. I stared at the blank screen, letting out a frustrated sigh. This was a bad idea. I didn't even know Tony was capable of making bad ideas!

I walked back into the room, my cheeks red with embarrassment. Peter was diving through his suitcase, searching for something, but looked up when he saw me.

"Where did you go?" he asked, tossing one of his shirts out of the way.

"I was talking to Tony."

"What did he say?"

"Nothing," I frowned, "where do you want to sleep? I can sleep on the couch."

He stared at me blankly, as if I had said something wrong. Did I say something wrong? I stared at him back, my mind completely going astray.

"What?" I said.

"There isn't a couch, y/n."

"But there's a floor."

"You take the bed," he said, reaching into his suitcase again, "I'll stick myself to the ceiling."

"Are you serious? Your webs only last two hours!"

He pulled out a video camera from under his jeans, and held it out to me with a proud look on his face. I took it cautiously, confused on why he was giving it to me.

"Let's worry about the bed later," he said, "Germany isn't going to explore itself."


AGH the spice is coming

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