Powers, Abilities, Weaknesses, and Belongings

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Powers and Abilities:

As a human with diluted siren, demigoddess, and demon blood, Diana possesses a number of supernatural powers, but her role as a skilled fighter also means that she possesses many valuable abilities that offer her many advantages during her time in the supernatural world.


Telepathy: Diana's siren and demon blood grant her the ability of telepathy that manifested when she reached puberty. Diana has the ability to enter the minds of others. Initially, Diana heard voices all the time but has since learned how to block them out unless she chooses to hear them, when she does she explains that it's like standing in a room full of people and they're all yelling at her.

- Telepathic Resistance: Diana has the ability to resist the telepathic intrusion and compulsion of others.

- Pain Inducement: Diana has the ability to project psionic forces from her mind powerful enough to cause both physical and mental harm to her desired targets. This seems to be a subconscious thing as it has only occurred when she is sufficiently angry or scared of an individual.

- Telepathic Zoolingualism: She can communicate with wild animals through her telepathy.

Vibration Manipulation: Diana has the ability to manipulate and enhance vibrations which can produce effects such as earthquakes and shockwaves.

According to Crowley and Artemis, Diana is able to sense and tap into the vibrations energy of everything around her. Her powers are connected to her heart rate, and as a negative result she can lose control of her powers whenever her heartbeat increases during stressful situations. Diana's body is able to withstand enhancing and releasing intense vibrational waves, however attempting to forcefully internalize or hold back her powers will put an excessive strain on her body and may lead to internal injuries like ruptured veins, hairline bone fractures, or other severe consequences.

When focused, her abilities extend to the point that she can create both force barriers and powerful concussive waves of sheer force.

Since sound is the vibration of air molecules, Diana is acute to sounds that other people can not hear.

- Concussive Blasts: Perhaps her favorite technique, Diana is able to generate and focus powerful concussive waves of vibrating air in the form of directed concussive blasts at her enemies. The effects of her blasts can vary from being weak enough to only knock opponents into walls and shatter windows, to strong enough to destroy massive areas of concrete roads, send cars flying, knock back a grenade fired from a grenade launcher, destroy a portion of a hospital floor, and push a jet into the sea. Diana can also use her blasts in a battle to block blows.

- Vibration Absorption: Diana is also capable of absorbing vibrations but can only hold them so so long and must release them or she risks causing irreparable damage to herself.

- Disintegration: Diana can cause molecules to vibrate violently enough that the bonds between them are destroyed, causing whatever she is using her powers on, to disintegrate into the atmosphere.

Aquatic Respiration: Diana appears to have some form of underwater adaptation as she is capable of holding her breath far longer than humanly possible.

Accelerated Healing: Diana is able to regenerate from damage sustained to her body. Whilst not as fast as the vampires and werewolves, Diana's healing is significantly faster than humans. Diana is capable of healing large cuts and bruises within hours and fatal gunshot wounds and fractures within several days. Diana's injuries can heal rapidly but still leave scar tissue. it's unknown why. It also takes a lot for Diana to become intoxicated by alcohol, drugs, toxins, or impurities.

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