Chapter Seven

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Alaric and Diana are still sat in her jeep watching the rain outside. Both are leaning somewhat close to each other but not touching. Drawn to one another. Comforted in each other's company.

"Looks like the rain's stopped" Alaric comments leaning forward to look out of the jeep's windscreen. Diana nods in agreement.

"Yeah" she whispers. She kind of zones out as he watches the rain come to a halt. Her mind elsewhere. Or somewhere. She's not sure. Her eyes unfocus on the world around her. Diana shakes her head and reaches up to press her fingers into her temple when the whispers in her mind start.

"Diana...Diana...Diana" She closes her eyes trying to fight off the intrusion. This isn't supposed to be able to happen. Artemis told her that her powers and her mind were strong enough to resist telepathic intrusion. But someone is getting through. It's hazy and staticy. They're struggling to get through to her. "Diana...."

"Diana?" She jerks back when Alaric takes her hand from her head. "Hey, it's me" He assures her, his worried eyes staring at her. "Are you okay?" she nods and looks at their joint hands, his thumb brushing over the back of hers softly.

"Yeah, just...a headache" She assures him quietly. It's not a headache. Someone is shouting for her. Someone that knows about her powers. But no one in Mystic Falls does....that she is aware of. She also thought no one but she and Alaric knew about their.....encounter. She might not have taken on board as much of her training as she thought she had. "I should be getting back" she adds. He nods in agreement but he's still worried about her.

"Okay," he whispers and takes a breath, internally debating with himself for what he is about to do. He shifts in the passenger seat and pulls her hand closer to him, she frowns. "Give me your phone number?" he asks her, she shoots him a look.

"Because that is a good idea" she counters.

"It's probably not" he agrees with her. "But I would still like it" she lets out a breath and swallows slightly.

"Alaric" she starts, he gives her a small smile. "Okay," she agrees and shares his smile. "Give me your phone" she holds out her free hand out to him. He digs around in his pocket, pulls out his cell phone and hands it over to her. She takes a breath and releases his hand to type in her number, she then hands it back. "I didn't know what you wanted to put as my name..." she admits and he types in D as her name, he knows what she meant by that statement. He then sends her a text with a smile on his face, she pulls out her own phone when it rings the message's arrival. She smiles and saves his number under A before turning back to him.

"I'll see you tomorrow" he offers, she nods. He doesn't want to go and it is written all over his face. But he knows he has to. That even just being here with her could get him into trouble. He takes a deep breath and forces himself out of the jeep. Diana closes her eyes when the door closes behind him, leaving her alone. She takes a deep breath and buries all of that for now. She turns the key in the ignition, starting the jeep. He waves slightly and she smiles back at him before she pulls out of her parking space and drives away from him.


Diana pulls her jeep to a stop and lets out a breath as she looks around, she knows she is still in Mystic Falls, she's just not sure where. It was like someone was leading her, guiding her to this place. She climbs out and looks around for a sign or something. Something to tell her just where she is. She moves to a wooden post and glances over it. It's a small directional signpost, she brushes the mud from it with the sleeve of her jacket.

"Fell's Church" Diana whispers as she reads the sign. "What am I doing here?" she asks whoever lead her here. "Hello?" she reaches up and taps her head, like she would a radio if it wasn't picking up a signal. She concentrates and closes her eyes searching with her mind. Her range isn't huge so she hopes whoever it is, is close by. Images flicker through her mind and she snaps her eyes open before moving to the back of her jeep. She opens the trunk portion of the jeep and pulls forward a black case. She unclicks the locks and opens it to reveal a compound bow.

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