Chapter Forty-One

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Diana sits on the sidelines of the school classroom, mostly because, thanks to X, she has no pageant partner. Who can she call to do this stuff with? It's not like she has any friends. Not real ones. Not anymore. She lets out a breath and watches Elena and Stefan together. Stefan gives her a small smile, she looks away from him and to the doorway where Derek is now standing. He waves at her. Diana raises an eyebrow as he walks towards her.

"What are you doing here?" she asks.

"My mom called" he answers and motions to Carol who watches them. "She felt bad you didn't have anyone" Diana snorts.

"Yeah, cause she doesn't think this will get us back together?" she asks him, Derek smiles a little.

"She always loved you" He comments. "She liked that you were spunky"

"Spunky?" she asks. "Mom code for bitchy" he laughs a little and nods.

"Independent" he counters, they share a look. "Come on" he holds out his hand to her.

"Not like I'm going to win" She argues as she takes his hand. "Caroline's competing...and she was born wearing a pageant crown" she counters, he hums a little and pulls her towards the others.

"Remember the first time we did this" he reminds her. "It was fun" he offers as he turns to her and wraps his arm around her waist. "I didn't even know you signed up for this year" he admits, she shrugs.

"Yeah, I must have forgotten" She whispers.

"Honor your partner," Carol instructs the group. "Stay focus, right hand around. Flirt with your eyes. Left hand around." Carol moves along the back of the row and nods. "You remember how this goes," Carol tells Diana and Derek. "It's not been that long"

"What's that about?" Stefan asks Elena.

"Right" Elena states. "Two years ago, Di won Miss Mystic Falls" Stefan raises an eyebrow at Elena and then looks at Diana.

"Seriously?" Stefan asks.

"She was a different person back then" Elena whispers sadly. Sometimes she misses the old version of Diana. Back before vampires and boarding school changed her. "It was the last event before she..." Elena stops, Stefan raises an eyebrow. "She kind of...lost herself after she won"

"Like with power?" Stefan asks with a smirk.

"No" Elena shakes her. "She had a complete mental break down, I think it's part of why my Dad sent her away" Stefan raises an eyebrow. Elena shrugs.


Stefan is walking across the campus. He gets to the basketball court. One of the players has injured himself and is bleeding. Stefan tenses up and can't turn away from the scene. Alaric touches his shoulder. Stefan strangles Alaric.

"Stefan!" He realizes who it is and let's go. "Are you okay?"

"Yes, I'm sorry. I was just...I was feeling a little sick." Stefan answers and then walks away from Alaric.


Diana walks with Derek towards the car park together after the whole dance lesson thing. She forgot how much fun it used to be with Derek, before they started dating, before they complicated their friendship with a relationship. She forgot how well they worked as friends.

"Thanks for stepping in," Diana tells him. Derek nods and turns slightly so he's facing her as they stop.

"No worries, friends help out other friends" he assures her. " was nice, hanging out with you again" He catches sight of Alaric walking towards his car, Alaric pauses seeing Diana on campus, considering she hasn't been anywhere near the school since she was stabbed. Derek smirks a little before he leans closer and kisses Diana. Diana instantly shoves him off of her. He laughs and walks away from her.

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