Chapter Nine

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The next morning, Jeremy is up and reading Johnathan Gilbert's journal, something Diana never wanted him to do, not yet, and not without their parents here to talk him through it.

""I live in fear. It consumes me. In the early evening when I see the sun begin to fade, the fear comes, because I know that the night brings death." Jeremy continues to flip through the pages of the journal. He finds a loose paper with a sketch drawn on it and becomes inspired. He pulls out an box from his closet and grabs an old sketchbook from it. He sets the box down and grabs a piece of charcoal. Flipping through the sketchbook, Jeremy sees all the old sketches he used to draw. He smiles at the memories and finally finds a blank page. He starts recreating the loose sketch from the journal.


Elena walks out of her room and glances into Jeremy's room. She walks over to the doorway and sees Jeremy sketching. She smiles and quietly closes the door.


Downstairs, Diana is getting ready to leave for school, something more determined on her face now, she has a plan. Elena comes down the stairs and looks at her, the two of them sharing a look, both of them aware the other is lying about something but neither willing to acknowledge it.

"Jeremy's got his sketch pad out." Elena offers, Diana snorts a little.

"You're kidding?" Diana asks as she pulls on her jacket.

"Nope. But don't say a word. The minute we encourage him, he'll put it away." Elena adds trying to lighten the mood, Diana huffs a little and nods. Elena looks at her phone. Diana glances to her.

"You and Stefan? Update?" Diana asks of Elena who looks at her, there is a look in Diana's eye that Elena's doesn't know what to do with. Elena buttons up her jacket.

"He knows how I feel and where I stand and I know where he stands but it doesn't matter. He's leaving, moving away." Elena tells her, Diana snaps her head around..

"Where is he going?" Diana asks her.

"I've stopped asking questions. The answers get scary." Elena admits, Diana studies her a moment, Elena turns away, a little unnerved by her sister's intensity there. Elena opens the front door and the pair walk out of the house.

"Yours leaves, Jenna's returns," Elena looks at Diana.

"Logan?" She asks Diana who nods.

"He's back" Diana tells her. Elena groans. "Jenna didn't let him pass the front door." Diana assures her.

"I hope she slammed it in his face." Diana laughs a little. "Three strike rule. We have to make sure she doesn't even watch the news." Diana snorts a laugh as she digs in her pockets for her jeep keys.

"Exactly. No more Logan 'Scum' Fell." Diana agrees, they share a look, despite everything going on, that tiny moment was something of their old relationship.


At the school, the halls are almost empty. Alaric walks slowly toward his classroom while reviewing his lesson plan.

"Can I talk to you?" He looks up to see Diana as she approaches. He smiles at her then catches himself. He looks around, finds that they aren't alone, he schools his expression.

"Of course." he assures her.

"I'd like to transfer out of your class." She admits to him. His face shows his surprise and disappointment. A few students enter the hall from outside talking loudly, Alaric looks around at them before he opens the door to his classroom behind him.

"Will you come inside, for just a minute?" Diana follows Alaric into the empty classroom. He decides to close the door behind her. "I understand where you're coming from, but I wish you could stay in the class."

"This isn't an easy decision, but I feel like it's the right thing to do."

"I can keep my feelings in check." He assures her.

"I can't." She counters, he stares at her. She looks at him longingly. "It's too hard to sit in this room everyday and call you 'Mr. Saltzman.' I can't pretend like I don't know you." She admits, his eyes sadden but he understands. She takes a breath and then hands him a school form. "Will you sign it?" He glances down at the document which reads: Class transfer request.

"Are you sure?" He asks her.

"I'm sure." She assures him, but her conviction is weak. He reluctantly signs the paper then hands it back to her. "Thank you." She whispers, but she doesn't look entirely grateful about this who situation, mostly because this isn't what she wants, but it is what she needs to do. She gives him a last look before she is then walking away.


Students are filtering in for the day. Elena stands with Bonnie, but looks past her to see Alaric, standing in the doorway of his classroom. He watches Diana walk away. The look on Alaric's face is one of interest and adoration. Elena is intrigued. And now is more sure that Diana was lying to her.


As students head off to class, Diana stands at her locker, sliding her camera bag inside followed by a few of her books. She closes the locker and sweeps her hair across her shoulder.

"Will Diana Gilbert please come to the administrator's office," Diana looks up and takes a shaky breath. Because this is it. It has to be. Whoever it is that knows about her and Alaric has told. She going to be a pariah. He's going to be fired. She closes her locker and takes unsteady steps towards the administrator's office.


Alaric writes on the chalkboard, then turns to the class who are all still talking among themselves. Bonnie, Caroline, and Elena are huddle together near Caroline's desk.

"Let's take our seats, people." His eyes scan over to Diana's desk but it sits empty. Bonnie glances over to the empty seat too, Diana is never late to class plus she really needs to talk to her.

"Where's Diana?" Bonnie asks, Elena glances at Alaric.

"Maybe you should ask Saltzman," Elena comments. Caroline and Bonnie both give her a look. Elena shakes her head a moment and takes her own seat. As the class begins, Alaric writes on the chalkboard again. He hears a chorus of whispers and turns to see....Diana walking into the classroom. She lays a document on his desk and walks to her own table. Alaric glances at the document: It's her transfer request form stamped declined. Elena watches Diana as she sits down and pulls out her notebook. When all heads are looking down, Diana finally allows herself to look up at Alaric. He is staring straight at her and they share a private, aching look. Elena clocks their personal moment.

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