It's a fucking hurricane!

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The Outer Banks, Paradise on Earth. It's the kind of place where you either have two jobs or two houses. Two tribes, one island. Figure Eight is the rich side of the island, home of the Kooks, that's where my family lives. I already told you about the cut, home of the working class, and the natural habitat of the Pogues. I used to be a Pogue, I know, surprising, until last year when my best friend Kiara told me one day not to bother hanging out with them anymore because I wasn't a "real Pogue", since then I mostly just hang out with my brother, his friends, and Sarah. So, I guess I'll start at the beginning...

"Hurricane Agatha continues its steady march towards Kildare Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina." I heard as I was watching TV in our living room next to Sarah. I looked over at her and noticed that she was falling asleep, I nudged her with my toe to wake her up. She sat up groggily and yawned.

"We should go surf. Right now, before Agatha hits, since I know you won't let me surf the surge." I said rolling my eyes at her and pouting.

"I'm too tired." She whined and stretched her arms above her head while yawning.

"Oh shit, and I totally forgot, we are supposed to help prep the boat for the hurricane with Mr. Grubbs." She said as she stood up to go get ready.

"What? I never said I was going to do that!" I replied indignantly.

"Well, dad said I had to do it and I say that you have to do it." She said.

"Get. Up. Now." She said and slapped my leg.

"Ow, jeez, okay fine. But... only if you let me surf the surge later tonight." I said bargaining, with a mischievous smile on my face.

"Ugh, fine. But I'm not coming with you." She said as she started to walk to her room. I turned off the TV and followed her but going into my room which was right across the hall from hers. I looked through my closet for something to wear and decided on something simple, just a T-shirt and shorts over my bikini since I was going to surf the surge after, and headed to go prep the Druthers.


I got into my car and drove off into near the beach by the cut, that was usually where the best waves were, and since the storm was heading towards Figure Eight it would probably be close to the cut at this time. I got out of my car and stripped down to my bikini, grabbing my surfboard from the top of my car. I walked out on to the sand and noticed John B and Pope standing on the sand with their surfboards in there hands, surveying the waves.

"Wow, fancy seeing you guys here." I said and they whipped their heads around to face me.

"Joyce." John B said with gritted teeth.

"What are you doing here." Pope said angrily.

"Um, isn't it obvious. Same thing as you. I'm here to surf the surge." I said as I walked up to them, now standing next to them.

"Don't you have your Kook friends to hang out with." John B said, not making eye contact with me and instead looking out at the massive waves.

"Yes, I do. But I'm here to surf, and none of them want to do that, so, here I am. With you guys. In the rain. Waiting to surf the surge. When are we going to do that?" I asked squinching my eyes and wiping the rain off my face.

"You are welcome to go. By all means don't wait on us." John B said and gestured towards the ocean. He finally made eye contact with me and I rolled my eyes at him, running to a better spot to see the waves. The two boys followed me.

"It's a double overhead out there, bro." Pope said, as they stood at the same small grassy hill.

"Double overhead?" John B said and I scoffed.

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