Words Unspoken

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Gemma sighed as she lit another cigarette before grinning at Abel's antics on the monkey bars. She'd brought him to the park to run off some energy while Neeta had Thomas but it seemed to be doing the opposite. She looked on as Abel jumped from the monkey bars and came running her way, passing the bench that she was on to launch himself at someone behind her.


She turned to see the woman from the hospital chuckling quietly as Abel hugged her tight around the neck. She put him down before grinning down at him. "Abel, have you grown already? Your father should put a rock on your head."

Abel giggled and shook his head. "Ariel, you're silly!"

Ariel nodded as she patted him on the back and pointed to the playground equipment. "That's probably true but you have a friend waiting for you. Off you go now."

Gemma watched with guarded eyes as Abel nodded before running back to the monkey bars. Gemma gave the younger woman a small smile as she sat beside her on the bench. They sat there for a few minutes, watching the children play before Gemma cleared her throat.

"He's okay, you know. You didn't have to check on him."

Ariel nodded, keeping her eyes on the kids. "I wasn't here for him, Gemma." When she turned to face Gemma, the older woman was struck by the sadness in the younger woman's eyes. "You don't have to fret over him, Gemma. Abel is a strong little boy. He's not Tommy."

Gemma's eyes widened at that as she shook her head. "You don't know anything... "

Ariel tilted her head as she grinned at Gemma. "Now, I think we both know that's just not true." She turned her head forward as she continued. "You worry because he's almost the age Tommy was when he passed on. You don't have to worry. Abel has a long life ahead of him." She sighed. "I was in the hospital when Tommy was. I was ten and I had leukemia. I survived, obviously, but that isn't my point." She turned back to Gemma, who was now trying to control the tears that threatened to fall. "I was walking past Tommy's room when I heard him crying. I stepped inside and saw that frail little boy looking so lost... I stayed with him for a while, held his hand, and made sure that he knew that he wasn't alone at all." Ariel reached out and took Gemma's hand, giving it a squeeze. "Abel is nothing like Tommy. He'll be just fine." She stood up and started to walk away but stopped and turned back to Gemma. "You know, I offered to trade places with Tommy because I knew what my lot was, but the fates had something else in mind." She smiled and nodded as Gemma wiped her eyes. "He knew that you loved him, Gemma. Tommy knew and he carried that with him to the other side."

Gemma let out a quiet sob as the strange young woman walked off and virtually disappeared into the tree line.


Jax sat across from Wayne Unser at the diner in Charming, watching the police chief nervously fidget with his napkin. Finally, Wayne shook his head.

"Son, you're asking questions that should be left unanswered. For everyone's sake."

Jax shook his head and scoffed. "Nah, I think it's time someone asked the fucking questions, Wayne. Shit, man. I know you know more than you let on. You're the fucking secret keeper for Charming."

Wayne sighed before nodding toward the door. "Fine, but outside." Once they had paid their bills and walked out toward Wayne's cruiser and Jax's bike, Wayne sighed again and lit a joint. "Ariel had... well, she had a rough life. Still does, I suppose, not that she ever complains about it."

Jax stepped closer and leaned a hip against the car. "Why is the town so against her?"

Wayne shrugged. "When Ariel was younger, she had leukemia. There was a doctor new to Charming, who said he had an experimental drug that he wanted to try on her. Well, her parents agreed of course, but... it didn't go as well as they expected."

Jas frowned. "Well, obviously she was cured, right?"

Wayne nodded. "Oh yeah, she was cured." He shook his head. "Something went haywire in Ariel's brain after the treatment. She didn't have cancer anymore, but she was a different kid. Started saying that she could see and hear people and things that weren't there. She was scared of the dark, couldn't stand to be alone at night. Finally, after her parents took her to a shrink, she seemed to get better. She was doing well in school, making friends again, normal stuff. Then the fires started."

Jax shook his head. "You can't really believe that a teenager did all that damage."

Wayne gave him a small grin and shrugged. "I wouldn't if I hadn't seen some of the crazy shit that has happened over the years." He tapped Jax on the chest. "Take Abel's kidnapping for instance. Do you really believe that she found him on a back road?" He shook his head. "Not me. And I bet if you asked Abel, he'd have a different answer than hers too."

Jax stared at him for a moment before finally nodding. "Yeah, okay. I might have more questions."

Wayne nodded. "You know where to find me." He grabbed Jax's arm as the younger man started to walk away. "Jax... just be careful, okay? I don't think Ariel is dangerous to normal people but ya never know, right? Just watch your back."

Jax sighed and nodded before walking to his bike and leaving the lot. Wayne watched until he was gone before sighing heavily and getting into his car.

I Believe It's Magic (Part One Of The Sisters Of Misfortune series)Where stories live. Discover now