Benson Wood

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My name is Benson. Weird name, I know, don't judge. My best friends here at Goode are Kylie Cam, Luca Bail, and my crush... Annabeth Jackson.

Let me sum up our lives as seniors: Annabeth. Girl who could be popular but chooses to hang with us. Loves learning and architecture and turns down every boy who comes her way because of her "boyfriend" who no one's actually met.

Luca. Massive crush on Kylie but is too scared to admit it, semi popular like the rest of us, but an incredible baseball player.

Kylie. Beautiful and smart, funny and athletic. Really the only difference between she and Annabeth is her spunky, upbeat persona while Annie is quite calm and collected.

And then there's me. Member of the boys swim team, average grades, average looks, and lucky to have such amazing friends.

Now, I'm usually a good kid. Usually. So that's why I was pretty surprised when I was called down to the office in the middle of fourth hour.

My friends gave me a look as if to say "we'll write the obituary!" that made me gulp.

"Mr. Word," principal D (no one ever calls him by his full last name) began, giving me his signature "I don't care" lack of effort.

"Wood." I quickly amended.

"Whatever. We have a new student today. Peter Johnson. Would you care to show Mr. Jacobs around?"

I could see the new guy in the corner rolling his eyes at the names. I had to admit, he was pretty good looking with his black hair and green eyes.

"Um... sure." I nodded, not taking my eyes off the newcomer.

"Excellent! Make yourself at home Perry! Now, you two, I hope you become quick friends. Now get out of my office."

We immediately jumped out, startled by the slamming door that followed.

"So... I'm assuming your name isn't Peter Johnson... or Perry Jacobs."

"Yeah, no." He laughed. "I'm Percy Jackson. And you are?"

"Benson Wood. So, what does your schedule look like?"

We talked and laughed as I showed him around, explaining his classes and supplies. Apparently he was being transferred to our swim team as well, which I was really looking forward to.

Before we ended the tour we found his locker.

"Great! You're just down the hall from me!"

"Cool!" He replied, attempting to turn his lock.

"Not to mention, you're across the hall from the hottest girl is school... who just so happens to be one of my bets friends. Don't try to make a move on her, she just uses an imaginary boyfriend as an excuse to turn guys down."

The bell rang right as I concluded, the halls filling with kids.

"Hey, do you want to sit with us at lunch?"

"Sure!" He smiled, closing his locker and joining me down the hall.

"Okay, so Luca is the blond boy, Kiley is the brunette, and Annabeth, the popular girl I told you about, is the other blonde."

Percy seemed to smirk at the name, who knows why.

"Oh, that's cool." He calmly replied.

"Yeah, plus she has the same last name as you." Although soon enough, I hoped she would be Annabeth Wood. Not that I would say it out loud...

"What are the chances?" He gave a lopsided grin as we entered the cafeteria, but something seemed wrong. For one, he seemed to know exactly which table to walk to.

I watched as he quietly walked up, lightly pressing his hands on Annabeth's shoulder. What the hell was he doing?!

I sprinted over just in time to watch her reaction. At first, it looked like she was about ready to judo flip the new kid. But the moment she turned around her anger turned to shock, and then... joy?

"Percy!" She grinned, jumping into his arms. "W-what are you doing here?! I thought you weren't supposed to transfer until next week?"

By now, our table held the attention of the entire cafeteria, everyone trying to figure out just what exactly made the great Annabeth Jackson light up the way she had.

"Well, I lied. It's been almost a month, wise girl, and I couldn't wait that long to see my wife..."

Wife?! What was going on?!

I heard the rest of the student body gasp as well as she pulled him in and kissed him, her forehead resting against his.

"Don't you ever leave me again, seaweed brain." The sentence came out like a weak whisper, but I was close enough to hear.

"Never again. It's you and me, Annabeth. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. I love you, more than anything."

"I love you too Perce," she smiled, almost crying from the unexpected reunion, "always."

The couple stood there in the silent cafeteria, just holding each other until someone began clapping. And then another, and another.

Soon enough, the entire room was full of wolf whistles, cheers, and applauses (except from the many guys who had a thing for Annabeth) as they kissed once more.

"Mr and Mrs Johnson, could you please refrain from that disgusting lovey dovey stuff in public? This is a place of education, may I remind you."

"Of course Mr D," Percy immediately grinned, "glad to see after al these years you still don't know our names."

"You know I don't care enough about children or their wellbeing to become emotionally invested enough to keep track of their personal titles, but between us, I'm quite happy for you.

"I remember during my treacherous years as a camp counselor watching the two of you get thrown into lakes and intervene at your own funerals. The stubborn Annabelle Clark and her best friend, the bratty Peter Johnson who took far too much after his father. And all these years later, here you are. Still showing disgusting displays of affection. You've done well, Mr Jackson, Mrs Jackson." He admitted. "Don't let this go to your already overinflated heads."

But that didn't take away from the shock of him saying a name correctly.

Something I haven't heard again to this day.

Percy and Annabeth are still annoyingly adorable, and everybody loves the couple.

Even I, along with half of the boys at our school, have moved on to another girl.

That's how I met Percabeth.

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