Snow Day

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Snow was falling. The little snowflakes fluttering to the ground and covering it in cold white. Though, the clouds covered the sun it was still bright outside. Most people would be inside drinking hot chocolate and trying to stay warm under the blankets.

"Here. You better like it or I'm kicking you out. "

A familiar black-haired boy said as he handed a much smaller, orange-haured boy a nice warm cup of hot cocoa. The small boy stared at it for a moment before taking a sip and immediately screaming.

"Ah! It's hot! "

Hinata said as he fanned his tongue with his gloved hand. The two were dressed in heavy clothing to keep warm outside. They were currently walking home from volleyball practice.

"Dumbass! Of course it's hot! "

Kageyama shouted as he bonked the small boy on the head. Who in return hissed loudly like a cat and threw a punch towards the tall setter. Kageyama dodged it and stormed forward.

"Hey, wait up! Don't just leave me behind! Aren't we having a sleepover?! "

Hinata said as he ran after the black-haired boy, careful not to spill his hot chocolate. Once he caught up he grabbed Kageyama's gloved hand and just casually walked beside him.

"I wasn't going to leave you or anything. I just wanted to get ahead, stupid. "

Hinata smiled and Kageyama couldn't help but feel warmth from that smile. He turned away to hide the blush on his cheeks. But he felt a tug on his hand and turned to see the small crow trying to drag him towards a somewhat park. It was mostly just a bunch of trees and a few benches.

"I want to play in the snow. "

That sounded very childish, but Kageyama could do nothing to stop him so he just went along with it and followed him. Hinata placed his cocoa on a bench and ran and dove into the snow.

"Don't do that you dumbass or you'll get a cold! I don't need you getting sick at my house. "

Hinata turned to look at Kageyama with a smug grin as he shoved his face into the snow and basically rolled around in it.

"Stop! I don't want you getting sick! It'll be bad for practice! "

By now, the setter was just making up excuses because in reality he just didn't want the small boy to get sick in general. He cared about the other and his health.

"Oh yeah, and what are you gonna do to stop me, huh? "

The orange-haired boy set as he stuck out his tongue. Kageyama was done with his bullshit. He snatched up the cup of cocoa and put it above his head. Yes, he was going there.

"Hey! That's mine! "

Hinata said furiously as he stomped towards the black-haired boy. He immediately tried to reach for it on his tippy toes, but ultimately failed because Kageyama just kept holding it higher and higher.

"Ooh, you're so close! If only you were taller! "

Kageyama said mockingly as he wiggled the cup just above Hinata's head who was now pouting. He grabbed Kageyama's arm and pushed him. Causing the hot cocoa to fall behind them and spill into the pure white snow. The cocoa wasn't the only thing that felt. The setter lost his balance and grabbed onto Hinata and pulled him down with him putting them both in quite the awkward situation.

"My cocoa! You're buying me another one! "

Hinata said as he sat up. He looked quite upset. Distracted enough to not notice just where he was sitting. Kageyama, however knew exactly what was going on and there was no way he could hide his red face. Hinata looked down at him and tilted his head. Confused on why he was blushing so furiously.

"What's wrong? "

Just as the orange-haired boy looked down the red in his cheeks got even brighter as he fell backwards and backed up. Shaking his head and covering his face.

"Ohmygoshohmygosh. I did not mean to do that. I didn't think we'd land like that. "

Due to him covering his face he hasn't seen the setter sit up and get closer. Close enough to where they were just inches apart. Kageyama grabbed Hinata's hands gently and pulled them away from his face.

"You're so stupid sometimes I swear. "

Kageyama said as he held Hinata's small hands tighter. Hinata just couldn't look away. He was so intimidated and a bit afraid.

"E-eh?! What do you mean?! "

Kageyama basically silenced him by kissing him. It was short, but it seemed to have worked. It was getting dark outside and the snow was falling harder. The two were shivering by now. They pressed their foreheads together and just sat there in silence. Neither speaking because they didn't want to ruin the moment.

"It's cold. "

Hinata finally said. Kageyama nodded and helped him off the ground. They walked off holding hands. Though it was cold, it seemed that they hadn't noticed very much.

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