The Sun and the Moon

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It was a beautiful sunny day. The sky was a bright blue. Not a single cloud in the sky. It was warm and flowers were blooming. The perfect day to make anybody's mood change from gloomy to excited and happy. The perfect uplifting day. But the thing was there was one person who wasn't happy.

The normally cheerful and idiotic Hinata was gloomy and quiet. Not even volleyball could make him happy. Nobody knew why he was upset. Not many of them were curious and worried. They just assumed that he was having a bad day. It happens every once in a while. But the gloomy orange-haired boy had caught the attention of the salty king himself.

It's not that he was worried about the short boy. Well, maybe he was, but Tsukishima would never admit that. Instead, he just carefully watched him practice. Even Kageyama refrained from yelling at him. It was weird. It was almost like the whole atmosphere had changed once everyone noticed how upset Hinata was. He had such a big impact that his mood could change the whole team's mood.

"I wonder what's wrong with him. You'd think he'd be the happiest on a day like this, and especially at practice. What do you think, Tsukki? "

Tsukishima snapped back into reality and turned to look at Yamaguchi. The blonde shrugged and went back to watching the others practice. But it happened in a flash. Normally, Hinata wouldn't be upset over a missed spike that he could've hit perfectly. But considering his mood this was a different case.

His feet landed roughly on the gym floor and his eyes glanced at the ball that bounced a few feet in front of him. He turned right on his heel and ran out the gym doors. Tsukishima watched him a leave. The whole team did as well, and as soon as the doors shut it was silent.

"I'll go talk to him. "

Tsukishima immediately blurted out as he stood up and started towards the doors. There was the sound of shoes squeaking as another walked towards the doors.

"What are you gonna tell him? Stop being a baby and man up? Sounds like something you would say. Why not leave the comforting to someone who's capable of feeling remorse. "

Kageyama said sassily as he basically blocked the blonde from leaving. Tsukishima pushed the setter out of the way and stormed out only to almost trip over a small orange-haired boy sitting on the steps. He steadied himself and sat down next to the boy.

"Um, I'm not really good at this stuff but-"

Tsukishima was interrupted by Hinata wrapping his arms around his neck in a tight embrace. At first the tall blonde was taken by surprise, but he felt his face heat up as soon as he felt the other's warmth. He cautiously wrapped his arms around the smaller boy and patted his back.

"What's going on? "

Tsukishima said quietly as he moved his hand to Hinata's hair. It was pretty fluffy. No wonder Kageyama was always messing with it. Or trying to crush his head. The blonde assumed the latter. He casually used both his hands to mess with the boy's hair. He just couldn't resist.

"My sister, Natsu got really sick last night. . A-and she's at the hospital with my mom. I k-know she's probably gonna be okay, b-but I'm still worried. . "

Ah, a family crisis. Of course, most people would feel worried and down. He could hear the concern in Hinata's voice. Tsukishima brought the boy closer. He could hear him sniffling. Soon enough, the orange-haired boy was sobbing on the blonde's shoulder. Though he normally would find this uncomfortable he surprisingly didn't mind. He'd found that Hinata was the only exception. The only one that deserved this kind of attention from him. Not even Yamaguchi got it, and they're friends.

"I'm sure she'll be just fine. After school, I'll come with you to the hospital to visit her, okay? "

Hinata nodded and seemed to hug Tsukishima tighter. The blonde didn't mind though. It was an odd feeling, but he felt like at this moment he truly cared for the smaller crow.

"Yeah. Okay. Thank you. But, I never knew you were the comforting type, Tsukishima. "

The blonde laughed a bit and tightened his grip on the other's hair. Almost pulling it.

"Ow! Ow! Not you too! "

Tsukishima laughed evilly and loosened his grip. He felt Hinata relax and so he did as well.

"I should be thanking you. Hinata, I don't why but you're really special to me. And I hated seeing you like this. It made me realize-"

Before Tsukishima could finish Hinata had already been prepared for this.

"It's okay, I love you too. "

Tsukishima was taken back by the other's words. Did he already know? Was he that obvious?

"Yamaguchi accidentally told me so I've been preparing for your confession. "

Tsukishima made a note to scold Yamaguchi later. But now he just felt happier than ever. He could just squeeze Hinata to death. Except he wouldn't because well, than his happiness would die away.

Hinata was like the sun. Tsukishima was the moon. The moon needs the sun to make it bright. Because the moon is just the sun reflecting its light on it. So without the sun the moon is nothing.

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