How to fall hard

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It was a chilly November afternoon. Not a lot of people were out and about. Most were in their homes warming up for winter would soon arrive. Quiet footsteps could be heard as two of Karasuno's crows walked the sidewalks. One dressed in a pale yellow coat and white earmuffs. The other in a dark Navy blue coat and black stocking cap.

"Hm, Kageyama why are we here again? There are other stores, but why this part of town? "

Hinata complained loudly. There was a low grumble from the black haired setter as he stomped forward to get ahead of the orange-haired boy. However, Hinata quickly caught up.

"Dumbass, it's not that I came here on purpose. I just got lost because I think somebody is following us. "

Far behind there was an odd shuffling noise as two much taller figures stumbled to get behind cover. One with red hair the other with dark green hair. Once the two crows were done looking around Ushijima and Tendou let out a sigh of relief.

"You must reeeeeally like him if you're stalking him. Hm? That it Ushiwaka-chan? "

Ushijima shook his head and peeked out from behind the store corner they were hiding behind. The two boys were just standing and talking. They seemed distracted enough to not notice them.

"Do you even have a plan or are you just going to flat out tell him. Because that's a horrible plan. Especially, coming from you. "

The red-haired middle blocker said in a sort of mocking tone. The tall ace just stared at Tendou blankly. Soon enough Tendou started to laugh because he knew that was exactly Ushijima's plan. If he knew one thing about his captain it's that he's not very good at anything besides volleyball. Social interactions and relationships is an instant failure.

"Let me help you with a plan. From what I know, you have to get him to fall for you. Because Shrimpy over there probably doesn't even know. But no worries because your best bud has the greatest plan for you. "

Tendou said with aggressive excitement as he bopped his fist against Ushijima's shoulder. He would sometimes call himself an expert when it comes to love even though he hasn't been in a relationship himself. (Sorry, had to roast him. Idk if this is true, but I couldn't help myself.)

"Okay. Tell me your plan. I must succeed in winning over Karasuno's #10. "

Tendou made a sort of frustrated face. He glanced at Ushijima before mentally slapping him with his own expression. This dude really takes things too seriously sometimes.

"First of all, call him by his name at least. Or do you not know it? Second of all listen closely. The plan is to slam him against a wall. "

Ushijima looked at the middle blocker a stern glare you would most commonly see from a mother.

"But that would hurt him, correct? I do not wish for him to hate me or be scared of me. He is a delicate and fragile being that must be protected at all costs. "

It appears that Ushijima was as passionate about Shoyou as he is volleyball. Tendou just grinned menacingly.

"You've really fallen for him, eh? But that's not what I meant by 'slam him against a wall'. See I think this is the superior way of making people fall for you! You just simply grab their wrists and basically pin them against a wall. But not too hard. Like you said he's delicate. I would tell you to pin him on the ground but you'd probably crush or suffocate him. "

Ushijima just looked at Tendou seriously and he put his hands in front of him in a defensive way.

"Hm, yes. He is very small. "

Meanwhile, Hinata felt shivers go up his spine. Kageyama bonked him on the head and the orange-haired boy groaned.

"You better not be getting sick or I'll kick you into next Wednesday, dumbass! "

Hinata jumped up and swung at the black-haired setter who dodged. They went at it for like two minutes. Throwing punches and dodging. Soon, a worker at the nearby store stomped out and yelled at them. The two crows apologized and started to walk off.

"Now's your chance Waka-chan! Go get your man! "

Ushijima nodded and slowly jogged toward the two. Once he caught up he tapped the orange-haired boy on the shoulder. Hinata spun around and his eyes traveled all the way up to look at Ushijima. Intense fear filled his body. Kageyama didn't exactly know what to do so he just stood there rigid and stiff.

"U-um? Y-yes? "

Immediately, at that moment Ushijima grabbed Hinata's wrists gently and puShed him against the nearest wall. He loomed over him like a building compared to a car. Tendou had told the tall ace that you'll know if they've fallen for you if you can hear their heart beating rapidly. He looked down into the crow's eyes seriously.

"Have you fallen for me yet? "

Ah yes, Ushijima and his ways of doing things. He'll flat out tell or ask you anything. Hinata felt his face heat up as he looked away from Ushijima's glare.

"E-eh?! What are y-you going on about? "

Though, Ushijima wasn't listening. He just casually bent over low and put his ear against Hinata's chest. The orange-haired boy was just about to blow a fuse. His face was as red as a tomato's and he was shaking uncontrollably. Soon, the dark green-haired male looked back up and let go of Hinata's wrists and just casually walked off.

"W-what? "

Hinata was beyond confusion right now. He grabbed one of his wrists and sort of caressed where Ushijima had held them.

"What was that about? "

Kageyama said as he took a step forward and glanced at Ushijima who was slowly getting farther away.

"I don't know, but I think. . I think I liked it. "

Meanwhile, Tendou was basically hopping up and down with excitement. Giving a swift slap on the back to his captain.

"Wow! Did you see how red his face was? He's going to be chasing after you now! So you better be prepared. "

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