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The Investigators Gather

Yagami Sōichirō had seen many things in his long storied career as a police detective, but this was the first time that he was met at the door by a cat.

The cat, a black-tabby of some long-haired breed or another, seemed pleased with the accomplishment of opening the hotel door. It sniffed at each of the new arrivals, pausing when it smelled that member who defended S before. It circled the man once, curiously, then nuzzled him affectionately.

"Noel," a voice spoke from within the room and the cat immediately bounded in that direction.

The six cautiously stepped into the room and shut the door behind them with a click, feeling ridiculous about how they were following a cat.

"I am L," they heard someone say and looked up, startled.

A fairly tall young man who stood in a hunched stance. He wore a plain white long-sleeved shirt and a pair of too-long blue jeans. His hands stuffed in his pockets and one foot scratching at his other ankle, he did not make a very imposing sight. A most distinctive feature of his were those dark lines rimming his eyes, making it seem like this man had never slept a wink in his entire life. He had pale skin and was slender, almost skinny. There was no expression was on his face, those blank eyes of his making it such that few could perceive his emotions. With natural black hair and piercing grey eyes, his appearance was a little unsettling.

"S," offered another voice.

Five of the six spun around, startled to realise that there was someone there.

Although they had followed the cat in, they had lost track of it and never noticed the young man who stood not too far from L with a cat in his arms.

They were stunned to realise that S was even younger than L.

He had perfect posture and was slim, muscled in a way that was completely unlike that of a body builder's. They could tell that his slender frame did not hinder his physical strength. The young man appeared as lithe as the cat that he held. His hair was a fair blond, a shade lighter than what one would call gold with a mystical sheen which made it resemble spun threads of sunlight. His eyes were the colour of the clear winter sky, cool and deep as they seemed to see right through their beholder into whatever secrets they have buried within the depths of their minds. Despite his high cheekbones and elegant nose, his features had a softness that made him seem Japanese despite the colour of his hair and eyes. He was also fair, though differently from L. Where L's complexion was milky like he hardly saw the sun, S simply had lighter colouration. He was ethereal and icy, causing a few of the officers to find themselves thinking of myths of immortal beings.

Had Es known what thoughts had crossed the minds of their guests, he might have laughed.

It was an accurate representation of his status.

"That is Noel," L introduced the cat.

"I hope that no one is allergic," S added as an afterthought.

They shook their heads numbly.

The two greatest detectives in the world were so young?

In fact, Yagami Sōichirō thought, S who was the world's greatest detective at this time was hardly older than his own son!

Sōichirō cleared his throat as he tried to push those thoughts aside and spoke while displaying his police badge out of force of habit, "I'm Yagami, the chief of police."

"I'm Matsuda," said the friendly investigator from before.

"Yoneda," said the promising investigator that Noel had greeted personally.

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