speak to me

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5 months later
Michael POV
I have went to every appointment that monet has .yet i don't really acknowledge her being there i just focus on the screen get my sonogram and go back home leaving her to go her separate way.
Monet's POV
Michael hasn't spoken to me since that sunday dinner after i tried to explain to him what exactly happened but he just said "yeah..alright." Then walked upstairs and hasn't said a word to me since. It hurts me but ian gon beg him to talk to me or at least not much begging after all im his wife,his childrens mother so he has to talk to me at some point. I walk into the kitchen for the craving for some butter pecan ice cream and a nice juicy jalapeno have now kicked in very strong.i go to get the ice cream out of the fridge and get the sensation that only michael can give when he's looking at me so i turn around to lock eyes with him.He just stares a minute then proceeds to get his mid-day snack from the huge open pantry only to come out with the jalapenos that he obviously knew i was in need of.

He sits them on the counter n sits at the island counter on our bar stool. He gestures for me to take them so i do and then i grab the ice cream asking if he wants any in which he just nods his head yes and gets up returning to the pantry for whatever reason coming back with MY i repeat MY thin mint cookies. Opening the untouched package taking some out then crushing them in the bottom of his bowl that he then fills with the ice cream . he sits back down eating his ice cream then once he finishes washes out his bowl and puts it in the dishwasher going to walk out but i grab his arm.he turns to look at me with a questioning eyebrow raised at me as if asking what I think im doin. I sigh then look up into his eyes.
Me: can we talk...please??
He looks at me then gestures his head toward the table
Me:so ik that you are upset with me and i understand that i just want you to speak to me ...please?
He sighs looking me up and down and then shakes his head smiling but not a comforting smile it's more of an angry why are you talking to me smile
Mike:mo i need my time just like you need yours
I snap and smack him.
He looks at me smirking and then it fades n he looks at me with teary eyes
Mike: be lucky you still live here ..ok other than the fact that you are pregnant i have no more use for you.
I gasp. Then i scoff looking at him in disbelief and anger.
Me:how could you say that to me?! Me?! The one woman who was with you through everything ...i could have had you in (gasp) jail for everything that you have ever done but have I ...no!! Because i am the one woman who loves you even with all yo flaws because idgaf who tf you are!!
Mike: you been sleeping with my brother man!..MY FLESH AND BLOOD how you expect me to forgive that...shit is the baby you carrying even mine?!?
I attempt to hit him again but he grabs me then pins me against the door of the kitchen and says in a very low voice
Mike: you gon keep your fucking hands to yourself that slap you gave earlier was the very first and very last that you will EVER PUT YO FUCKING HANDS ON ME IGHT?
Me:FUCK YOU..I FUCKIN HATE YOU MAN! I push him off but he just pins me up again i struggle for a while then give up seeing he is much stronger than me. I look up into his eyes with tears in my eyes to which makes his face soften and he kisses me when he pulls away he caresses my cheek
Me:I didn't to it baby ...i swear i didn't sleep with him ever. I say all while crying into his chest as he rubs my back shushing me.
Mike: look at me baby. I look into his eyes and just stare into those chocolate orbs that he looks at me with such admiration and love. Ik that you didn't sleep with him but i just had to be sure that you wouldn't betray me with him so i asked him to be truthful.He said y'all ain't never done anything and that the day i saw what looked like y'all about to hook up was him just being a jackass because dede was making him sleep at a hotel cause she found out he been seeing Genevieve again so i want to say as your husband im so sorry baby. I kiss him and in return he picks me up and carries me to the guest bedroom we use for our sexual rendezvous that we have specifically after arguments which only ever lead to me ending up pregnant but hey that's just how it is.

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