the oldest son

22 1 1

Michaels POV
"Joseph..he took our baby away" was the last thing i heard b4 i was dragging her with me to my range rover shoving her in gently and driving speedy to Joseph's place.

15 minutes later
I rammed into his gates faster than a bat outta hell if what Mo' just told me is true I just know im gonna bust a cap in joes ass.

I walk into the house with my wife trailing behind. I get to his kitchen to find my mother here surprisingly because last I heard her N joseph were separated with no possibility of ever getting back together.

He smirks at me as if he knows why im here i want to wipe it smooth off his dirty fuccin face that's what i wanna do.

"Michael ..hi sweetheart what're you doing here?" My mother asks looking as if she had just seen a ghost. I smile toward her and tell Mo' to accompany mother outside. She does and takes my confused mother outside.

" only going to ask you once b4 i bust a cap in yo' ass. What. my.son." i say in almost an inaudible growl. That smug ass smirk on his face.

He shrugs still smirking at me. I ain't very big but i will beat this muthafuccer black and blue if he don't stop smirking at me. "Wth are you smirking at joe?" I ask pinning him to the wall by the throat.

"So she finally squealed and told you about dj huh?..took her long enough sam and me are tired of the little brat already. You gonna go get him...oh that's right you don't know where your own son is." He says through his chuckles of what he believes is victory til i throw him to the floor and strangle him.

"Joseph please stop playin with me rn... Because you R playing with your life atp...where tf is my boy joe?. I say with the knife i picked up from the counter to his neck.

"He is in arkansas with sam and his wife tatiana." He says instantly making me think of my ex and how she threatened me when I started seeing monet . ik for a fact she had something to do with monet getting hurt about 2 years back in the car wreck she had while getting the kids from daycare.

"Where in arkansas joseph..where?!" I ask becoming impatient. B4 he can say anything a little boy who looks just like me runs in and stares at me smiling up at me as if encouraging me to end Joe's life.

"Hi daddy..tati says its mean papa joes turn to take care of me for awhile but-" he gets cut off by Monet's loud hyperventilating and sobbing coming in to see the son they took away.

"Joe you-..wth are y'all doin here and why is there a knife to your neck joesph?" Tatiana asks trying to sound clueless and innocent like she doesn't know what's goin on.

"I could ask u the same thing...but a better question would be why do you have my boy bitch?." I ask moving from a now knocked out joe to a somewhat frightened tatiana staring at the knife in my hand in fear that i may or may not have just stuck joe with. It is a flesh wound hell he'll live.

I roll my eyes at the fake alligator tears she sheds ."ok tat..i take my wife and son home travel back to Arkansas and act like you never saw us here." I say stepping toward her she cowars under my stare nodding like a kid caught red handed with they hand in the cookie jar.

I bend down to my wife and son who smiles charmingly at me while stroking his mothers back in a warm way. They must have been toying with her by dangling him as bait for something. Is all i could think while looking at her completely unfold seeing our son is alive for probably the first time in a long while.

"Dj who am i to you?" I ask just to see if he knows who i am but he called me daddy b4 i even knew who he was so im sure he does i just want to be sure.

"My daddy...and you dance and sing Right?" He says playing with my very large fingers compared to his tiny little four year old hand. I nod smiling at him. You can just look at him and see me but also his mother in him which is very alarming to me because our kids mainly either take after either or, not the both of us.

"I got my boy back." I said picking him up and helping him console his hysterical mother. Who is oblivious to the fact that he is looking at her with concern now.

"Bae we got our oldest son back now lets go home." I say before grabbing her arm gently and walking with my wife and kid back to the car .

"I love you dj...never forget that." Was the last words i spoke b4 pulling off and making my way back home.

{Ik that this was a shorter chapter but i am trying to work on all the others as well and i didn't really have any other ideas for this chapter...but lmk in the comments what you think and don't forget to

And follow

Toodles beautys 😘

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