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He didn't lie when he said you'll love it.

Standing right in front of you is an old abandoned treehouse. You gaped at it like a fish out of water.

"So what do you think? " Yoongi asked with a smirk, already knowing the answer.

"It's amazing!" You squealed while hopping up and down like child.

Yoongi's gaze on you softened, he knew that you've never been on an actual treehouse, considering the fact that you used to move a lot before and he just remembered they had one at the back of this apartment.

Unbeknownst to you, this was the exact same tree house that his father made way back from when he was 5 years old. It reminded Yoongi so much about his late father but he was gonna change that thought and replace it with happy memories with you in it.

"Go on up first, I'll be right behind you." Yoongi said whilst tilting his head to the tree house motioning you to climb up first.

"My pleasure!" You ran over to the tree and stopped after you give him your toothy smile.

You looked up to the tree house once again before you hesitantly put your hand on the ladder.

Why am I nervous all of a sudden?

It's finally right in front of me I shouldn't be scared!!

Suddenly your legs felt like jelly, like they were about to give up on you. A random wave of headache hits you and the sound of buzzing rang through your ears, you held on the ladder more tighter to support yourself.

Is it normal to feel sick if you saw something you've always wanted to see?

"Yo! You doing good there? " You looked back to Yoongi and sent him another smile but the type of smile that looks like your holding in your fart.

"I'm fine just nervous." After reassuring him, you put on your brave pants and proceeded to climb up.


When you finally reached the top, you moved over to give space to Yoongi who was on his way up.

Waiting, you touched the wooden wall. Feeling the rough texture under your fingertips oddly makes you feel satisfied.

Looking to your right there lays the entrance with a dirty white curtain that has flower prints on it as a "door".

You pushed the curtain aside as you entered the house.

The tree house does look like it was abandoned for years from the outside but seeing the inside, you really didn't expect it to look like.... 

There were toys and cobwebs scattered around from the cabinets to the floor, a mini tea set on a small table, fluffy yet dusty rug under it. Dolls on one side of the floor while the other side are blocks.

From the mountain of toys what really caught your attention was the treasure box that was placed next to a giant teddy bear (one of it's beady eyes are barely hanging on though)  on the corner of this room.

You walked towards it and saw a small faded carving on top of the box. Just by seeing the missing letters clearly it is veeeery old. You can't help but wipe off the dust. It wrote:

'Y_ _ngi and Ji  _ _n's Pr_p_rty'

Obviously the first name is Yoongi's.... But who's the other one? 

Ji _ _ n's...

Jiman? Jihan?  Jihon? Jimon?


Is it Jimin's? The guy from the first floor?  No way!  I thought they're enemies!!

    Let me give you another small recap- you see Park Jimin is the guy from first floor like you said earlier, he may look like an angel at first but he's an actual devil in disguise.

He and Yoongi aren't on the exact good terms per se. If they ever end up on the same room they would glare at each other with full hatred like there's no tomorrow or if they happen to see eachother they would often bump with the other's shoulder.

It was all because of the "Bread" accident as Yoongi would say. Sounds stupid but the way he said it, it's like the most disgusting thing ever.

You tried to ask what it really was all about but you decided against your option because you thought it's better to not know anything about it.

     Plus Yoongi always made sure you also avoid encountering the boy not that you don't mind anyways because you also don't like the boy.

Not because Yoongi hates him too it's because ..... He-

"Aren't you going to open it?"

Startled, you jumped up and turned around to see Yoongi leaning on his back and an eyebrow raised with a hand on his waist, looking like a mom waiting for her child to go to school.

"Cheese weeese crackers you scared me." Sighing to yourself, you brought up a hand to your chest to calm down your beating heart.

Yoongi chuckled once again before walking to stand next to you.

"Wanna know something?" You faced him and nodded your head in response 'cuz you're always ready for whatever he has to say.

Yoongi exhaled and looked down on the wooden floor, his fists turning white.

"T-this used to be the place where my f-father and I bond and I...." He trailed off voice cracking while his fists are now shaking wildly. You frowned at this, you grabbed his hands and held it tight but not tight enough to hurt him.

You attempted to make eye contact with him but to no access as his eyes are still glued on the floor.

You don't know what it feels to lose a father but you know how much it hurts to lose someone you love.

"And I still miss him so much." He mumbled out, scared that he's gonna break down after saying it.

He finally faced you with glassy eyes and that was enough to make you feel your heart cracking into tiny pieces.

He looked lost if not that then broken.

He used to look up to his father but now that he's gone, leaving him with his widowed mother. He has no other father figure to look up to.

He always envies any kid with their parents. It was unfair. He knows he's being selfish but It should've been him. It shouldn't be them but him. His father didn't deserve to die so why him?

You didn't know what to say so as a friend you gave him a big warm hug.

You pulled him in to your embrace, knowing that if your hugs can at least lessen his pain from 100% to 98% then it is enough for him.

What do you guys think??  Please don't be a silent reader and let me know what you guys think! Anyways have a good day!! 🐳💕

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