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After Yoongi calmed down you pulled away from the hug and gave him a pat on the back.

"Sorry, I always feel sentimental whenever I come here... " Yoongi sniffled still wiping away his tears.

"No it's okay, it's better to let it all out than keeping it in." You ruffled his hair, reassuring him that it's no problem.

  He puffed out his red cheeks and swatted your hand away.

"Right, anyways I should probably open that box." Clearing up his throat and kneeled in front of the box,  knowing that this is his way of changing the subject.

You watched him swiftly take out a rusty key from his hoodie pocket and opened the lock on the treasure box without any struggles.

  Excitement rush up to your body like never before, you also kneeled down next to him and helped him lift up the heavy top.

The sound of creaking echoed through the room as you two carefully opened the old dusty box. A big smoke of dust came out of it looking like a ghostly genie finally coming out of it's lamp.

The two of you reacted quickly in sync by covering your face with the neck of your shirts and swatted the smoke away from you.

"So just a question, Yoongs?" You coughed out after the two of you successfully fanned the dust particles away.

  Yoongi hummed in response, he's now looking through the trunk with another episode of his scrunched up nose. You don't know why but he always looks adorable whenever he does that look.

Makes you want to squish the life out of him but then if you do then you wouldn't have any friends.

You mentally shaked your head as you almost forgot what to ask.

Yoongi's right I should stop zoning off too much..

"Just how old is this house to look like this.... Old-old?" You nonchalantly  pulled out a worn out journal, the edges looked as if it had been chewed on by a dog. You flipped through the pages to see it filled with scribbles and notes.

"Hmm, very old." Your head turned back to him and raised a brow, giving him a really-bro face.

Only to see him inspecting an odd looking small gray pentagonal shaped thingy.

"What's that?" You huddled even more close to him to get a closer look on it. Of all things that are ancient here this one looked like it's newly made from a machine or maybe 'cuz the metal is too shiny for you.

  Obviously it was kept safely than all of the stuffs here, which makes it important. But why was it well kept?

What's so special about it?

"I don't know it's a puzzle piece or something, I don't even know why my dad kept it locked in here." He turned it around once more and there you saw a carved sign.

A moon with two crescents standing side by side.

When you saw it you felt another wave of headache. You let out a groan as you brought a hand to ease up the pain.

If that wasn't enough everything around you suddenly turned blurry, the air turned thick not even giving you a chance to think properly.

You felt like your body is burning when it's not really that hot, you let out heavy breaths as though you've ran a thousand miles.


Your ears automatically blocked off the outside sounds only hearing the way your heart beating slowly. It's like hearing all of these underwater but you're nowhere near any of the water bodies.

  Yoongi not knowing what to do, he put the metal away and held your hands in his doing the same approach that you did to him earlier. His mind swirling, thinking of what kind of pain you're feeling right now.

"Y/N, listen to me." He brought your chin up to face him. His other hand still held yours.

You couldn't speak even if you want to. You don't know why your body is reacting this strangely after seeing the cursed sign. Your stomach churned, as if someone had stabbed you there.


  Time slowed down for you as your surroundings turned red, you looked down to your stomach just to see blood seeping out of it with a knife attached.

Holy cheese weese!! I'm dying!!

You faced Yoongi but this time it wasn't him.




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