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After going out of the elevator, you all heard a ruckus going on at room 101, that is just one door away.

"What do you mean I can't enter?!" A boy with freckles remarked, forcing himself in between two people in police uniform.

"I'm sorry sir but this place is still under investigation." A female cop responded her face void of any emotions, pushing the boy back away from the room.

Your group went towards them and through the door you saw something red on the carpet floor.

Hmm..Must've been cranberry juice...

"Hey excuse me officers but what's the commotion down here?" Mira started with furrowed brows and pouty lips, still holding Hobi's arm.

You tried your best to not rip her off of him and continued to clench on to Jungkook's hand tightly. It's probably gonna leave a small bruise later but he didn't seem bothered by it at all.

"Aren't you meddling kid's supposed to be somewhere and not here?" The other officer snapped, he shooed you all off like you're all  some kind of cockroaches. Hobi frowned and Jungkook scoffed at him not liking the way they're handling you all rudely.

   "Aren't we supposed to know what happened to Mrs. Lee?" Mira
countered slightly glaring, challenging the police.

I wonder if Mrs. Lee is making those cranberry pies again....And why the frick are the officers here?

  You observed the door and saw 101 engraved on the door neatly. The person that lives right behind this door is a very nice old lady, Mrs. Lee.

    One time you went in to her humble abode accompanying Yoongi with his plunger.

  Her toilet always clogs and you never asked because sometimes it's better if questions are left unanswered besides her toilet clog problems she taught you how to bake cookies.

She used to be a well-known baker before she retired and resided here. So whenever she offered you food you would always take that chance to eat her delicious product. No one could say no to free food!

  You could feel your tummy rumble just by thinking about food again.

Gosh, I would kill for a toasted bread right now.

  "Yeah and who are you guys to say that I'm not allowed to go in my house?!" The freckles guy sneered, his fists turning white. You never knew his name but you always see him going in and out of her room.

Most probably her grandson..

"The police now scram off before I make you!" The male police barked, this time looking like he's about to explode anytime. Red covered his face and veins popping out of his neck.

  You all stayed for a bit before walking away from the rude polices to the front of the elevator.

Are they even one if they act like total butts?

"Okay, what the hell just happened?" You pondered about the polices odd reactions and what was the freckled guy's name.

  "I don't know but what I know is they're mean!" Jungkook replied his bottom lip jutting out.

"Hey how about we head out and get some fresh air?" Hoseok suggested with his usual bright smile facing you, as if he's asking you out.

You slightly blushed and looked down to avoid his stare when Mira noticed that you were about to open your mouth she shut you off by stepping her foot on you and took his attention off of you by whining, like a baby she is.
   "Seokieee, didn't you promise me that you were gonna treat me out for breakkie todayyy?" She continued to grab on tight to his arm and tugged it to her, also adding in her baby voice that sounded like a banshee crying to persuade the poor boy.

  "Oh, right I forgot!" Hoseok face palmed and let out a sigh, shaking his head. Not believing that he actually forgot his promise (when he never did).

  You bit your tongue to stop yourself from yelping out loud from her heeled foot that's still drilling your own and discreetly glared at her. She felt your fiery glare and smugged back at you even throwing her tongue out to you and somehow all of this went unseen by the other two.

  "We can just tag along if that's fine with you, hyung!" Jungkook requested, his smile appeared once again and jumped up a bit to show his excitement.

He always wanted to go out to some random store with friends but the thing is he never had a big group of them and thinking over Hoseok's suggestion doesn't sound so bad at all.

"Alright to the convenience store!!"


"Yum! Thanks hyung!" Jungkook  happily slurped his cup of noodles, filling his tummy with the warm contents in the cup.

Hoseok just chuckled at him and took a bite from the bread he bought next to him is Mira contentedly sipping on her orange juice.

You were sat next to Jungkook facing Mira the cheetah. You gritted your teeth together still glaring at her without Hoseok looking.

"Here Y/N try this!" Jungkook gently took your chin to face him and held up his chopstick to you, you obediently opened your mouth and tasted the beef flavored ramen.

"This tastes like heaven!" You exclaimed humming a bit while nodding your head. The strong taste of beef popped on your mouth making you moan in satisfaction.

"I know right? The food here is good! This convenience store is really convenient!" Jungkook beamed and gave you another serve of his noodles to your empty bento box. You already wolfed down all of it 'cuz you have a beast living in your stomach.

"Haha! Why else would it be called convenient store if it isn't convenient, Captain obvious?" Hoseok threw his head back and laughed like a mad man, some customers even looked at your table to see him slapping the table aggressively, making the things on the table jump with every action he made.

   Mira also laughed along, her bottle of juice still on her hand. You watched her closely and made sure she doesn't "accidentally" spill the drink on you.

You lost focus when a familiar male called your name.


You looked up at the person that called you. It was Yoongi but he looked a lot worse than usual. His clothes were crumpled, hair disheveled not even bothering to comb it and eyes were bloodshot red to show you that he hadn't slept a wink.

   Which is really odd because you knew Yoongi loves to sleep.

"Yoongles! What happened?!" You gasped and stood up from your table then made your way towards him.

  Now that you can see him up close, you noticed that he's paler than his usual pale tone. You frowned at the thought of him not taking good care of himself.

He took in a deep breath and said-

"I have to tell you something."



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