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  On the other side of the city, two brothers are loading their boxes of personal stuff.

"Do we really have to move?" Taehyung pouted after putting the last box at the back seat and wiped off the sweat on his forehead.

They won't really need to bring much stuffs anyway just their clothes and personal belongings since their furnitures were already moved the other day.

"We already talked about this," Seokjin said jogging towards the driver's door. "Now quit whining and lock the door I'll start the car." He added and threw the keys to Taehyung's direction.

Taehyung barely caught it and scoffed. He closed the back seat door and rushed down the gravel pathway to their house that they put up for sale.

They can't afford the bills anymore since the both of them have no parents to take care of it and their job salary isn't enough to sustain their needs.

The car is no problem since it belongs to their late father and it's already fully paid before he passed away.

You would be asking why sell the house if they could sell the car?

Well first of all, they can't bring it to themselves to sell the car because their father always loved the car that one time he even joked that he would marry it and washed it whenever he had the time to.

   Second the house is too big for the two of them and a big house is not what they liked seeing that it's too quiet if one is alone to begin with besides it's much more better to live in a small space with each other than to live in a place that looks like a maze, makes you get lost if you don't remember the path well.

    And lastly, they would get a large amount of cash if they sold the house instead of the car. The house isn't that bad it had jacuzzi and pool at the backyard, three bedrooms, one master bedroom, big kitchen (That Jin would probably miss the most) and a movie room.

Enough for a perfect family of 5.

  Taehyung hastily fumbled with the keys. At last, he found the certain key that he was looking for and before locking the door he took one last look at the place.

Memories flashed to his mind like a movie.

Bits and pieces of his memories turned into a big compilation of his childhood among this walls, reminding him how magical his childhood life used to be.

  "Tae hurry up or I'll leave without you!" Seokjin yelled drumming his fingers on the car wheel.

"Okay! Wait geez I'm coming!!" Taehyung shouted back and shut the door lock. Jin beeped the car loudly making Taehyung jump a foot up and dashed towards the car.

He can't be left alone, he doesn't even know where's their next location and he also left his wallet in the car so there's no way he's gonna walk all alone and get himself lost.


"And here I thought I'm the slow one." Jin remarked with a raised brow to Taehyung, who got in the car.

"Oh shut up, old man." Taehyung fastened his seatbelt, avoiding eye contact with him and crossed his arms, looking like a kid that didn't get any chocolate.

"Yeah I'm an older than you so you should listen to me I didn't raise you to be like this." Jin chided in a joking tone, jutting his tounge at the younger and wheeled the car to the road.

"Anyways, to the Bangtan apartment!" He cheered to lighten up the mood, wiggled a bit in his seat.

And with that Seokjin can't wait to move in and maybe meet new people. Meeting their neighbors could be a good start too!

Everything is gonna be sunshine and lollipops once they move into their new home.


Or not.

While Jin parked the car on the parking lot, the brothers noticed two police cars and an ambulance sat right in front of the building that they would soon to be called home.

What the hell happened to make both of the police and the ambulance to come here?

Seokjin thought, he turned off the engine and opened the car door to get their stuffs while Taehyung got out of the car and helped Seokjin carrying the boxes.

As soon as they got most of their stuffs out they proceeded to walk towards the apartment.

"Hyung, are you sure this p-place is s-safe?" Taehyung finally asked his voice slightly wavered, adjusting the boxes on his arm.

  "Of course it is, Tae." Taehyung frowned at the older's response, not satisfied with his answer. Jin however did his best to ignore it and continued to lead him to their room.

  While walking Taehyung happened to bump into someone. The boxes fell off from his arms.

" I'm sorry!" The voice cried, weird enough the voice sounded like an angel to him.

"It's okay." Taehyung replied and picked up the boxes, thankfully the contents didn't spill out of the box.

He stood up and counted his boxes.

One, two, three.....I'm missing something...

There's supposed to be four boxes!

Don't tell me we left it!

Great this can be my excuse to go BACK TO THE HOUSE!!

"Um, excuse me sir here." The stranger handed him the fourth box.

Oh, haha thought we have to go back to the house. Not that I missed the swimming pool or anything.

"Thank you!" Taehyung said through his smile and took the item, taking a close look on the stranger.

  She was short and had doe (E/C) eyes, and a (H/C) shoulder-length hair. Her hair was all over the place though like she hadn't showered for a week and still in her pajamas.

Am I supposed to laugh or worry about her look?

"Again I'm so sorry for bumping into you." She bowed at him before looking back at the male behind her.

   Taehyung didn't notice him it was like he popped out of nowhere. He was wearing a brown hoodie and black basketball shorts, his hair was much more messier than the girl and his eyes had noticeably red veins popped out with dark circles under.

  Is it just me or were they woken up too early?

  Taehyung wondered while he left the two alone and sprinted to Jin who is already ahead of him.

"Hyung, wait up!" He yelled, struggling to carry four boxes while catching up to his impatient brother.

They shouldn't have moved in the first place.






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