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   Right where Yoongi used to sit is now a  creepy creature.

With large knife-like claws for hands, skin bleached white and red
bloodshot eyes. It's eyes are popping out of the eye sockets, which made it look even scarier.

It's mouth that looks like an old man's, all crumpled and wrinkly is wide open ready to eat you up in any minute now. You clutched your wounded stomach, wincing in pain while as you attempted to move away from the creature.

"W-where's Yoong-i?" You manage to cry out while inching away from it bit by bit.

The pain in your stomach couldn't compare to your fear of being stuck in a room with a hairless monster.

"B-  c-c--re-ul, da-ge-err is n-ear-."  

It's head sickeningly cracked sideways and continued to stare at you for another 10 seconds straight before dispersing into thin air.

You closed your eyes, scared if it'll turn back again. You waited for 5 minutes but it never came back you opened your eyes once again and your vision turned white.


"-ou need something? Anything? Please answer me Y/N!"

You blink open your eyes, to see Yoongi back on where he originally sat on. The disgusting creature was no longer there and your headache finally subsided.

You blinked your eyes once more and looked down on your wounded stomach but it was perfectly fine.

"What the hell?"  You muttered as you lowered your hand down to your stomach and just as you were about to lift the hem of your shirt, a hand shot up and grabbed your wrist to stop you.

Embarrassed you are, you let go of your shirt and let out an awkward laugh while scooting a bit away from him.

  Hearing a sigh of relief escape Yoongi's lips is enough to finally make you return back to normal.

His hand gently trailed up from your wrist to your arm, electrifying shivers went up to your spine. You don't usually like it if anyone touch you like this but if it's Yoongi you felt safe and sound.

You feel comforted that you almost forgot what happened minutes ago,  which is why you appreciate having him as a friend. He understood you.

You continued to eye him as his soft palm reached to your neck. He then used the back of his hand to check your temperature.

You leaned in close to his hand eyes closed, secretly liking the way he's silently caring for you. Yoongi is always misunderstood as a cold ice king to the others but to you he's a big ball of softness.

He's the type of person that doesn't show much affection but when he does he shows it silently yet sincerely.

He yeeted his hand away from you as if his hand was on fire, waving it back and forth repeatedly.

"Oh fu-!"

"Yoongles, what did I say about cursing?"

"Fa so la ti dooo~"

"Seriously? "

"How else would I react if YOU'RE as HOT as a boiling water?!"  He extended both of his arms out to you exaggerating his point.

"Thank you for the compliment, I already know that!" You stood up, flipped your hair and posed by popping your hips out and your elbow on air, leaning on a non-existent wall.

Yoongi shakes his head in disapproval and pinched the bridge of his nose, mentally wishing he hadn't said that word that's been an overused mistake.

"No, not that hot I meant you're hot HOT kind of sick."

"Whaat no way." You waved a hand at him, in denial. There's no way you could get sick from getting a splitting headache from earlier you're stronger than that.

It was like the universe heard you, you felt something wet dripping off your nose.

"Yep, you're sick and we're going back to your room." He stood up after closing the chest and guided you out of the treehouse.


"If you don't listen to me mom's gonna kill me once she finds out that I left you like this." He stopped and gave you a tissue that he conveniently brought with him.

"Yeah sureee."  You accepted it and swiped off your snot.

Great, another day of staying in the room all day, yay for mee.


Once the two of you arrived in your apartment, Yoongi told you to stay in bed while he's gonna do something for a second.

At first you didn't like the idea of locking yourself up in your room but the thought of laying in bed after experiencing the whole horrendous headache made you change your mind.

"Finally!" You sighed as you plopped down on the comfy bed. Thoughts about what the creature croaked earlier is still fresh in your mind.

  "B-  c-c--re-ul, da-ge-err is n-ear-." 

Why did it say that?  Why did you also react that way when you saw the sign? 

And what's with the stabbed wound? Bro, that was so random.

The familiar smell of chicken soup nagged your nose, you sniffed the air and let out a sigh of content.

"Haha, glad you like the smell hope you also like the soup I made too."

Yoongi walked in to your room with a warm bowl of chicken noodle soup and a smirk on his face.

"Aww, Yoongles made me soupp!" You cheered, stretching your arms out with grabby hands to the bowl.

Yoongi carefully placed the soup on your bedside table and dragged a chair from across the room to sit on.

  While he's busy making himself comfortable you reached for the only spoon that's placed next to the bowl but Yoongi snatched it before you could even grasp at it.

"Hey that was mine!!" You crossed your arms and pouted.

"Oh stop whining, you baby." Before you could even reply he shoved a spoonful of delicious substances to your mouth.

"There happy? "

"Mhm!" You nodded rapidly while clapping.

"You're such a child, you know that?"

"Just because I'm short that doesn't mean I'm a child! "

"I didn't even mention any heights here!!"

And the night ended with friendly banter and a full stomach.


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