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"Are you stalking me or what?" You playfully teased Jungkook whose supposed to be going on his way home.

"I swear am not!" He shot his hands up and his doe eyes look shooked as ever.

"Then why are you going the same way as I am?"

"Well I actually live at the same floor as you."

"Whaaat? No way!"

   Jungkook stopped walking causing you to almost trip, he turned to face you with lowered eyebrows looking dead serious.

"Yes way."

"Oh really? Which floor?" You squinted your eyes and crossed your arms, still not believing him.

"Floor 2, room number 201."

You opened and closed your mouth while your mind still couldn't comprehend on how he knew.

So he's a stalker? How else would he know? Should I kick him on the shin too?!

"Do you believe me now?" He mimicked your crossed arms with a smug look on his face.

"I-wha-How?" He consciously chose to ignore you and walked ahead, purposely speed walked to the Bangtan Apartment that's coming up to your field of vision.

You inwardly groaned and lengthened your stride to keep up with him. Your plastic bag suddenly felt like it's weighing you down.

"Hey! If your ignoring me like this then you're a stalker!" You transferred your plastic bag to your other hand and jogged next to him.

The both of you finally entered the building and shuffled in the elevator.

"Just because I know where you live doesn't mean I'm one." He mumbled just enough for you to hear clearly, his bottom lip sticking out.

Just as you were about to apologize, a familiar red head came in the scene.

"Hey kiddos!" Hoseok greeted cheerily at the two of you. He hopped in the elevator and the door closed behind him.

Okay act normal!!

"Seokie hey!" You awkwardly waved at him with a blush coming up to color your cheeks. His smile grew wide at your response.


"You two know each other?" Jungkook questioned looking back and forth between you and Hoseok.

"Yeah we're neighbors after all so of course we know each other!" He confirmed, almost sounding proud when he mentioned that.

"How was your day out with your sister?" You asked, attempting to talk with him while unconsciously biting your lip.

"It was great! Actually we get to have a walk on the park then we thought why not get some puff snacks to feed the fishes on the pond and then-" You continued to listen to him babble about his day.

  You almost forgot about what happened earlier after seeing his smile and him explaining about how his sister fell off the pond in the most hilarious way.

What you didn't know was Jungkook observing the way you acted around his friend.

"Isn't that bag heavy? Here let me carry that for ya'." Hoseok extended his arm to take your plastic bag full of goodies off of your weak hand.

"No, no it's fine!" You gasped pulling the bag back, declining his thoughtful offer.

Your a grown up now you don't need anyone to carry your shopping bag besides it's just a bag full of chips-

"I insist!" He persuaded this time with the same smile that you always adored.

  Unless an angel offered to help ACKK-

You tried your best not to squeal right in front of him while your heart swelled at his kindness. You were about to say yes but someone, specifically a kid decided to butt in.

"It's okay Hobi-hyung I'll carry it for her."

   Jungkook smoothly took your plastic bag and avoided eye contact with you.

His action made you and Hoseok to look at each other quizzically and exchanged shrugs almost simultaneously.

   Hoseok winked at you and that caused you to abruptly turn back to hide your blush.

That sly boy, he definitely knows what he's doing!!

You didn't know why Jungkook acted the way he did but you smiled anyway, thankful that the heavy bag was free from your small hands.


The doors opened and all of you stepped out.

"Welp, I'm off to hit the hay see y'all tomorrow!" Hoseok said waving at the two of you one last time before going in to his own room.

"Night Seokie..." You muttered in a dreamily state with your hands clamped together and your hearty eyes on his door, completely forgot that Jungkook was there the whole time, who witnessed the whole thing.

"Come on, lover girl it's bedtime!" He pinched your cheeks before running off to your door.

"Hey! What was that for?!" You exclaimed finally out of your dreamy gaze. You chased after him and jumped up to pull his ear down to your shoulders.

"OW! Ow! Is this how you treat your knight in shining armor?!" He whined and tapped his foot, his attempt to flee from your strong tiny hand but that deemed impossible when your thoughts for revenge is stronger.

After your satisfied, you let go of his now red colored ear and laughed at his slack-jawed expression.

"My beautiful ear!" He cried, letting out fake sobs by dramatically wiping his non-existent tears.

"Did you learn your lesson, now?" You smirked and leaned against your wooden door.

"Yes, today I learned to not mess with short people." He deadpanned while he cupped his poor swollen ear.

"Okay, gimme back the chips I gave you!"

"Wah! No way!"


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