Miss Fairy

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I sat at the Poseiden table , while Percy filled me in on the Camp happenings and a book series that Annabeth was forcing him to read with her.

We were munching on the pizza that was in the middle of our table. Surprisingly it wasn't blue.

I nodded my head at what I thought were the right moments, not really listening , as I looked around for a certain Latino demigod.

"But then Tris died, I mean COME ON , I read through three whole books with my dyslexia only for the main charecter to die? Seriously Veronica Roth?" ( big mood)
"And Annabeth was depressed for two days after that"
"Mmhm, love Divergent", I replied half heartedly
"Yep", I said , because I still wasn't paying attention.
"Are you even listening to me!?",  Percy asked in exasperation.

I cringed and looked back at my brother."Ahh, sorry I was just looking for uh", my eyes scanned the area once again.
"Leo I suppose", he asked with a bemused expression on his face. "Look now"

I turned my head around to see Leo (he's like an inch taller so much for all the boasting)

He was carrying a little girl who had curly brown hair and fair skin. That must have been Lucy. He placed her down at the table and Nasya nudged him and pointed in my direction. He turned and saw me.

He was the exact same. Still a little scrawny, messy bed head curls and brown eyes that made my knees melt.

Good thing I was sitting.

I should have taken a picture. His face was hilarious . He looked like he had been electrocuted. He didn't expect me to come this early I suppose.

I smirked at him and continued eating my pizza.

"Also Percy, Divergent is gold so don't shame it "
"Aha, so you were listening"

I rolled my eyes.


"Bloody hell Grace, I need my head on my shoulders thank you very much", I panted, hands on my knees. Jason and I were at Sparring practise, and he has nearly decapitated me.

"Gotta stay sharp Ray, one year away and you've abandoned you sword work"
"Because I had been introduced to Calculus and AP biology!", I burst exasperated.

He got distracted, and continued lecturing me about the importance of keeping my sword practise , and I smirked to myself.

So gullible.

I swung my foot around and hit him in the ankle causing him to fall flat on his face. He turned around and I stood above him, sword at his neck.

"Gotta stay focused Jason", I mocked.

"I wasn't ready", he defended his non existent dignity.

"Bitch please"

"Okay you got me"
I smiled at him and helped him up.

"I'm going to the Hephastus cabin, okay? ", I informed him.
"Yeah ok, I got to go anyways"

I snapped my fingers so that Hurricane transformed back into my ring and jogged to cabin 9.

I stopped outside for a second, and took a deep breath. So I was a little nervous. You can't blame me I haven't seen the boy in a year (and the brief eye contact during lunch didn't count).

I knocked and the door was timidly opened by a little girl.

"Hello?"  She asked in her adorable little voice "

I crouched down to her level. "Hey there, what's your name? "

"I'm Lucy Higgins and I'm this many years old ", she answered, thrusting her right hand out , with four fingers up.

"Wow, you're big. My name is Raven, but you can call me Ray"

Her eyes widened and she jumped up and down. " You're Ray-Ray? Are you Leo's girlfriend? He told me you were. Are you actually a fairy?"

I smiled at her . "Yes I am a fairy and his girlfriend . In fact, I've come looking for him"

She clapped her hands and then ran inside and shouted , "LEO! THE FAIRY IS HERE!"

Leo poked his head outside and , on seeing me, he grinned.
"She certainly is, and you need to get to arts and crafts don't you?", he asked her , while taking her little hand.

"Yes, can you and miss fairy drop me?"
"Okay Luce, only if 'miss fairy ' is up to it"

I grinned," You're going to give Percy a run for his money when it comes to the big brother department Repair Boy", I smirked.

We walked to her class of the moment in a comfortable silence and dropped her off. Then he turned to me.

"Hey", he said with a shit eating grin.
"The fairy!", I asked sceptically as I raised an eyebrow at him.

He shrugged. "She's a kid. Plus she loves the fact your a fairy"
"Potato Potato"

I rolled my eyes, grabbed the collar of his shirt and brought his lips down to mine. His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me closer as our lips moved in sync. His skin was slightly warmer than anybody else's, but I was used to it.

We pulled away and I rested my head on his chest.

"I miss you Mr McShizzle"
"Missed you too"

"And by the way, you're not that much taller", I snickered.
"You just ruined the moment"

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