chapter 10

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POV Kate

while Brandon and Nina went to the shop and Elise and Nick were talking about some random shit I was sitting alone on my phone. Zion came to me and sat next to me on the couch "hi Kate" "hi" I answered looking up from my phone ." do you smoke?" he asked " Nah why?" I asked " just because imma go smoke in my room and you were kinda lonely sitting over here" Zion said laughing a little, I grinned and said "uhm I'll come with you, I don't wanna be third wheeling."

When we were in his room it already smelled like weed but his room was surprisingly clean "You look surprised" he said "yeah its clean in here" I laughed "Is it oke if I smoke ?" he asked I nodded

after 2 blunts he passed one to me " you sure?" he looked at me. I was already a little high of his smoke so I took the blunt and took a big breath

after another one I was high af he looks so hot right now I thought to myself "damn" I said to myself but it was a little bit to loud

He looked me straight in the eyes and came closer I leaned in too. I closed my eyes and felt his lips on mine, they were really soft

out of nowhere Elise stormed in the room " wtf Kate did you smoke ?" she screamed " what are you doing here? Go away!" I said loopy "Zion first you got her drunk and now high what are you doing to her" she said to Zion but he was too high to notice that she was talking to him plus he was still looking at me. In between Elise her yells I could hear the bell ring so I stood up and walked straight past her " where are you going I was talking to you." I heard Elise say behind me. when I opened the door there stood a girl that I didn't recognize " And you are? " I asked sassy "I'm Sammi I'm here for Zion" she said " Zion ! Did you order a Salami ?" I yelled back upstairs "it's Sammi." she said to me but I ignored her "who" I heard him yell back " A Salami " I yelled a bit louder

I heard him run downstairs " Ow shit Sammi what are you doing here?" he asked the girl " I wanted to come say hello to this cutie." she said while pointing to Zion; I looked a bit confused at Zion did he just cheat on her with me I thought to myself " uh come in " he hesitated she walked straight past me in their house " so who is she" I asked Zion quiet " she is an old friend" he said a bit nervous. why is he so nervous omg I'm going to be his side hoe FUCK I thought to myself "so y'all like a thing?" I asked him "Well we kinda were but not anymore plus she is kinda annoying when she comes she always hangs on me." " then why is she here?" I asked hoping for a good answer but he said that he didn't knew

after an hour Sammi was just really annoying she was hanging alone around Zion and I could see that Zion thought that too so I couldn't hold it in anymore plus I was still a bit high "listen up bitch stop being so annoying you hanging around Zion like he is is your toy" everybody stopped talking and looked at me " I don't know what you two where but now you are out of the picture bitch!" she looked kinda shocked at me but not for long " what did you just call me?" " A big fat bitch!" I answered confident. Sammi caught me off guard and jumped on top of me but those 18 years with my brothers learned me how to defence myself so it was easy for me to turn the tables so now I was on top of her and was slapping the shit out of her.

Austin,Nick and Zion were trying to pull us away from each other but failed.

eventually Nina and Brandon came home and helped them. they got me off her " you are lucky bitch I would have slapped the shit out of you if they weren't here." I said catching my breath while Zion was holding my arms. Sammi looked up at me her lip was bleeding and I think she is gonna have a black eye tomorrow so I was also kinda proud that she looked like that. but then I got angry again when she laughed and said I'm still alive so don't get your hopes up that I'll leave you alone. I wanted to punch her but Zion was holding me to tight so I just shouted " I'M GOING HOME I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU TWO DO BUT I'M OUT OF HERE" I yelled to Nina and Elise;

after that I stormed out of that house, Elise and Nina followed after saying goodbye to the boys I was relieved because Elise is my ride and I'm not walking 30 min home.

It was quiet on the way home but when we got home I had to explain everything. but they were on my side and Elise didn't say anything about the smoking anymore so I was relieved and grateful I have these two best friends how helped me with my lip that was bleeding a bit

we watched a movie together and had just an awesome girls night and fell asleep on our couch.

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