.38 facing darkness is kinda my thing

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Sophia is sleeping peacefully she looks calm too as she lays there in a bed hidden

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Sophia is sleeping peacefully she looks calm too as she lays there in a bed hidden.

When she decided to go into Josie's mind she had one goal only to not come back, not until she brought Josie back.

When she suddenly opens her eyes she's laying down and she's in a room it looks almost like she's in one of those fairy tale rooms.

She sits up and she notices she has a different outfit on she looks like Red Riding Hood. Okay weird she thought.

"Well this unexpected." She says looking around the room confused.

She finally stands up.

"Josie?" Sophia says but there's no answer.

"Your subconscious is weirding me out." She says with a soft chuckle but still there is no answer so she exhales deeply and then she turns to the door where she notices bread crumbs on the floor.

She furrows her eyebrows.

"Literal bread crumbs. Subtle." She says and then she opens the door and follows the path of bread crumbs that leads her out to the forest.

She continues to walk following the trail but then she stops and turns around looking at her surroundings and that's when she she's a castle.

She's looking at it admiring it since it's a pretty nice castle but then she hears rustling in the bushes.

So it makes her turn her attention from the castle to the forest. She see's something but it's kinda running away.

"Wait." Sophia says jogging after whatever it is. "It's okay, you don't have to run." A part of her believes that maybe, hopefully it's Josie.

She stops suddenly because now she hears snorting. Behind a bush so whatever it is, it's trying to hide from her.

"Post tenebras spero lucem" Sophia Chants and it makes a light ball appear in her hands so she can see clearly what it is. 

"You don't have to hide, either. I'm not gonna hurt you." Sophia says with a soft smile.

That's when suddenly it shows it's face. It's a pig. A talking pig. That eyes Sophia up and down and then speaks up.

"Would you shut your pie hole, lady? And put out that light, before you get us both killed." The pig tells Sophia but Sophia has her mouth a little open and a confused expression is written all over her face.

This just kept getting weirder and weirder she thought.

Back outside of Josie's subconscious in the real world The Necromancer approaches his secret hide out.

"Chad! Get the robes! We must have a ceremony." He tells Chad closing the doors.

"With the Phoenix vessel no longer a threat to our plans, today is the day we raise Malivore!" The Necromancer says loudly.

A Love That Consumes You • Sophia M. Mikaelson • Josie Saltzman • LegaciesWhere stories live. Discover now