Chapter 16: Sakura Akira Suru

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Everyone decided to give Kowareta some space, even Akira, for her to feel better. They didn't need to do that for very long though. On early Sunday morning, Kowareta got into her running gear and decided to go for a walk outside. She put on her favourite playlist and left. Bakugo had woken up and he watched at Kowareta left. So, he decided to follow her. 


Everyone in the dorms had woken up and were just about to have breakfast when...
"KATSUKI!!!" Kowareta yelled as she came in through the door, grabbed a pillow and threw it at Bakugo. 
"Katsuki?" Everyone said in unison, confused.
"We are on a first-name basis now OK?" Kowareta yelled still chasing Bakugo.
"They go on one run together and this happens" Jirou raised an eyebrow. 
 "Come have breakfast" Mina indicated. 

Kowareta and Bakugo both sat down at the table- in front of each other. They were halfway through their breakfast when Kowareta hit Bakugo on his foot. He looked up to see the smirk on her face and hit her back. 
"Stop!" Kowareta yelled.
"You fucking started it!" He yelled back. 
"Oh, hey look you guys getting along... Kind of," Sero said. 

Kowareta got up and said that she had to go somewhere. She whispered something in Akira's ear and her eyes started sparkling. 
"Let's go," Kowareta said. 
"Wait!" Akira ran and grabbed Eri- "Now let's go!" 

- More time skip- 

When Kowareta came back she was wearing a hoodie.  Akira was grinning like crazy and Eri looked like she got a makeover, Her white hair was straight and tied in a long ponytail with two strands of hair coming out from each side. Kowareta blushed and took off her hoodie, revealing her new ash-blonde hair. Everyone smiled at the sight, Mina's eyes were sparkling and she ran and hugged Kowareta.
"Your new look is amazing!" Mina squealed. 
"True, it really suits you," Uraraka gushed.

Kowareta blushed and pulled away from the hug then looked at Bakugo. His eyes widened and he knew what she was going to say next. "It was Baku-" Kowareta started, but Bakugo put his hand on her mouth. "Shut the fuck up, no one wants to know!" He grumbled under his breath. Kowareta bit his hand and he pulled his hand away.
"It was Bakugo's idea!" Kowareta said. 
"And you listened to me?" Bakugo raised an eyebrow. Kowareta just stood there then shrugged her shoulders. 
"Awwwww, my ship!" Mina squealed.  Kowareta blushed while Bakugo just looked annoyed. Then they just stormed off to their dorms.  

"You think they like each other?" Kirishima asked Akira. She nodded. "Come on, let's go for a walk..." Kirishima nudged Akira with his elbow and they went to a nearby cafe. 
"So, what's up?" Akira asked, spinning her spoon in her tea.  
Kirishima looked down and took a pendant with a black dragon and gave it to Akira. 
"I promised you something..." He started, "Rozū won't turn into a demon- I cant make much of an impact but I'll try my best!" He stopped when he saw Akira's eyes filled with tears and turn blue.  

Akira got up and left and Kirishima followed, and they stopped in front of a trail that was surrounded by cherry blossoms. 
"My eyes turn blue when I'm sad, pink when I feel love and purple when I feel angry, a mixture of all three when I'm happy," She said. 
"Wow, I didn't know that..." Kirishima smiled. 

Akira was quiet for a moment then turned her back and said "Sakura..." She turned around then continued, "My real name is Sakura Akira Suru, a tongue twister yes, my mother named me that." Her eyes turned to pink.
"Sakura huh? That means Cherry blossoms, doesn't it?" Kirishima looked up at a cherry blossom tree. Akira nodded. He came closer to her and held her hand. 
"I wonder..." Akira thought. No, she couldn't make the first move. Kirishima was just a friend. 

"OMG KISS HER ALREADY..." Mina came out of nowhere. Hagakure, Sero and Kaminari were there too. Pretty soon the entire class was there.
"Kiss heeeerrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Mina groaned. 
"Guys we are not-" Before Akira could finish, Kirishima grabbed her and kissed her, in front of everyone. 
"Yay!" Mina cheered. Akira held the pendant tight and let her body relax and eventually melted into the kiss. 


Sorry if this chapter triggered you like I said Kiri and Bakugo don't end up together.

SHOUT OUT: Thanks to @Yup_this_is_my_name, Yup_this_is_my_name voted on every chapter I published so thanks!🙃

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