Chapter 24: The full moon arrives

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All the girls were super excited to see their dresses. They opened the boxes up and their eyes shone brightly.

"Jirou? Why didn't you pick like formal dresses like us?" Akira asked.
"Eh, Not my style" Jirou shrugged.

A few minutes later someone came to pick their dresses up so they could be safe and the girls could have access to them on the day of the prom.

"You have our suits don't you?" Kirishima asked. The person nodded and left.
"Okay so let's get this over with," Mina said."Where are Midoriya and Ochacko?"
"Oh they were called last minute cause Miss Midnight needed some extra help," Sero said.

Mina nodded, "Todoroki is going with Yaoyorozu, I'm going with Sero, Suru is going with Kirishima, Hagakure is going with Ojiro, Jirou is going with Kaminari, Asui is going with Tokoyami and Rozu..." Everyone was now staring at Kowareta.

"What!" She said.
"Who is your date?" Akira asked. Kowareta looked around then shrugged.
"Ask her!" Kirishima said to Bakugo.
"The fuck! Why me?" Bakugo said.
"Let's just say that you two are going together because there is no one else left!" Mina said.
"F-Fine!" Kowareta yelled.
"Yea Fine!" Bakugo said. Akira made her 'smut' face and opened her mouth, "Don't you dare say it!" Kowareta yelled.
Akira shrugged.


The next day everyone came back. Prom was now officially in five days! Akira noticed Kowareta was feeling down so she decided to talk to her. 

"What's up?" Akira asked.
"The full moon..." Kowareta sighed, "its arriving tonight." 
Akira looked down and sighed. 
"Wait really?" Yaoyorozu asked. Everyone was at the door. They came and sat down next to her. 
"What are we going to do?" Asui asked. 
"It's fine..." Kowareta got up. "Just..." Kowareta stopped. She felt something, "Just stay away from me!" Kowareta groaned, clutching her shirt. She felt herself transforming. It had been happening all day. Akira got up and came close to her but Kowareta pushed her away. 
"I'm sorry!" Kowareta stopped and ran outside. Akira wanted to go after her but Uraraka stopped her. 

It was almost night, Kowareta should have returned home but she didn't. She kept getting stronger by the minute. Kowareta heard her mother's favourite song playing. She followed the voice. One-step and she was lost in a forest surrounded by mist. One breath and her mouth was covered. One blink and she fell into a deep sleep. 

"Mr Aizawa! Did you find her?" Akira asked. He nodded his head no. "She shouldn't be out like this, especially tonight." 
"Maybe this will help..." Yaoyorozu gave Akira a tablet. I made a tracking device when I sat next to her and stuck it on her shirt. 
"Then all we need to do is follow it..." Akira said. "Mr Aizawa, can we- can I go?"
Mr Aizawa thought for a moment. "You have proved yourself worthy and loyal enough to go after her, but the pro heroes are still coming!"  
Akira smiled, "Arigatō!" (Thank you in Japanese- casual way)

Kowareta woke up. Her hands were tied behind on to a hard, rocky wall. She struggled to catch her breath and she looked up. The full moon shone brightly, lighting up the entire sky. 

"I have been waiting for you!" She heard a deep, raspy voice say. Two blue eyes shone in the distance, they came closer revealing the shape of a human. Snakes for hair, Rubies for eyes and a sinful body- she knew who it was. 

Mūn'u-ōkā (moon- nu- ka). Her guardian. She would see visions of him ever since she started living with her father. He only said one thing, "That day will come!" 

"Today..." Mūn'u-ōkā said, "is that day..." 
"WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Kowareta yelled. 


Mūn'u-ōkā, quirk: He can enter someone's brain by making his way into one's dream. He can manipulate the brain however it likes, it can only show itself after it has made his victim kill or hurt someone close to them...

He is currently cast in a spell, but if, he can make his victim somebody they aren't he can be set free again and cause destruction and madness everywhere he goes.


"Do you want to know who killed your mother?" Mūn'u-ōkā asked.
"My father killed her!" Kowareta yelled. 
Mūn'u-ōkā laughed hysterically and said, "Oh no, I did! That was just a vision. Did you forget my little Rose..." 
Kowareta's eyes widened. She did forget.
"You killed your father for nothing... HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING!" Mūn'u-ōkā laughed.


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