Chapter 28: Finding a date! Last attempt!

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"Really?"Kowareta said. Everyone nodded.
"What if he is going with someone else?"
"What if, I got so busy he thought he didn't matter anymore!"
"What if I have to go without a date?"

"URARAKA!" Akira shouted and shook her shoulders to get her to wake up. "Chill, okay. It will be fine!" 

Akira got her phone out and started texting someone. 


🥦 Broccoli head 🥦



Boys section

Midoriya checked his phone and groaned. "Fu-" 
All the boys stared at him, was he going to say it?
"Fudge!" Midoriya said and all the boys groaned.
"What happened?!" Sero asked
"Due to all the preparations, I forgot to ask Uraraka to be my date!" Midoriya murmured.
"YOU REALISE THAT NOW?" Everyone yelled. They needed to fix this. 
"You are going to march up to Uraraka's room right now and ask her!" Kaminari lectured. 
"What?" Midoriya gasped. They all nodded. 
"Yea, me and Kaminari are going to come with you," Kirishima said.
"I am coming too- I wanna see him humiliate himself!" Bakugo said.
"You sure it's not to see your date?" Sero teased.  Bakugo glared at him and he looked away. 

"He doesn't have the guts!" Bakugo smirked.
"Tell you what..." Kirishima smiled, "If he asks her and she says yes you have to confess to Rozu that you like her!"
"Shut up! They'll hear you!" Bakugo yelled.
"We already know!" Kaminari called out. 
"Deal?" Kirishima asked.
"Fine!" Bakugo grumbled.

"Go inside!" Kaminari whispered They were standing in front of Uraraka's dorm.  
Midoriya nodded his head 'no' "All the girls are in there..."
"Just ask them to come outside!" Kaminari whispered. 
"Listen Midoriya! You better go in there and ask her because I want my best friend to confess to my date's best friend! So you better go in or else, I'm going to bash you up!" Kirishima whisper-shouted and opened the door. 

When all the girls saw Midoriya they went outside leaving Uraraka and Midoriya alone. 
"Again! with the door Ejiro," Akira said slamming the door shut.  

"This is... Awkward" Uraraka said. 
Midoriya sighed, "Be my date, Uraraka. Please." 
Uraraka blinked then smiled and nodded. 

"Done!" Midoriya said opening the door. 
"That was quick!" Akira said. 

"Did she say yes?" Kirishima asked eagerly. Uraraka came outside and nodded. All the boys smirked at Bakugo. 
"SHIT!" Bakugo grumbled. 

Kirishima whispered something in Akira's ear and she squealed. 


Everyone was ready and before the limo came they had a photo shoot. The girls looked amazing and the dresses were out of this world!

(I don't own any of the designs for the dresses, all the credit goes to the artist! I'm pretty sure they are by Deviantart except for Momo's one)

(I don't own any of the designs for the dresses, all the credit goes to the artist! I'm pretty sure they are by Deviantart except for Momo's one)

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