Perverted Commander: Post. Hehehehe. And yeet. **throw his phone into the ocean**
Perverted Commander: **runs away**
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Somewhere in the desert
Perverted Commander: Can't track me, don't know who I am, how old I am, and etc., and, you don't know where I am. Hehehehe.
Perverted Commander: Nice.
**chainsaw noises**
Perverted Commander: Huh? **looks to his right**
Perverted Commander: NOOOOO! JAMES HELP ME!
James: **pulls out a hand gun**
Mark Wayne Windle: **pulls the gun and turns it around**
James: **shoots himself**
Mark Wayne Windle: I am clever ja?
Perverted Commander: **backs up against a rock**
Mark Wayne Windle: **unsheathes his Holy Saber** DIE!
Perverted Commander: KILL HIM BOYS!!
The next day
News Reporter: Today, a group of 12-13 commanders were found dead in the desert, the bodies of Commander James, Erik, Freddy, Alex, and Victor have been confirmed, the others are still under going DNA and other methods to figure out who they were. It is believed that they died at about 3:47 Pm, during a sandstorm, blood was all over the ground. One of the identified bodies, Commander James, was fatally shot in the head. Another body, Commander Erik, was found with a chainsaw wedged into his chest. His head was found missing from his body. It is believed that the killer cut his head off and then stab the body with the chainsaw. There where no finger prints or any kind of DNA on the chainsaw or the bodies that could give us a clue of who killed these commanders. SBS Fox News.