Kaiser Wilhelm VIII: I am aware of the situation Windle. I am shocked, you and Matt cleared out a f*cking stronghold and a half. Plus a valley full of em too. You enough brought back one of their attack helicopters. Research has been done and it has been determined that this helicopter was stolen and then smuggled into the mountains. The same can be said about the other helicopters as well. This rocket launcher, S.A.M., is from America. They are illegally buying, stealing, smuggling, and selling weapons from and in the mountains. This gold proves it.
Mark Wayne Windle: Do we know where it came from mein Kaiser?
Kaiser Wilhelm VIII: Ja, it came from the Royal's.
Mark Wayne Windle: Bloody hell!
Matt: We also saw Lucky Luciano III, he is behind it all. He said his plans while we watched from afar. We will destroy the Kaiser's air force, then his ground forces. Next we will starve his navy and then capture as many ships as possible from his navy. They are talking war. They also had tanks, T-34's, IS-1's, IS-2's, and other kinds of T-model tanks. They also had Russian AA and AAA weapons in the valley that we cleared out.
Kaiser Wilhelm VIII: Damn it, we need to kill or capture him. He is the boss of all bosses. He leads all five of families.
Mark Wayne Windle: They also had hidden airfields for helicopters as well, but only three per airfield, mein Kaiser. They also had a hidden tunnel in the mountains as well. That is where we got the drugs from. We need to destroy them before they can launch any kind of offensive against us. If they have jets, then we are screwed.
Papa Stalin: We will help you. Mother Russia helps her allies. Let the Motherland and Fatherland hold hands and destroy their enemies.
Kaiser Wilhelm VIII: Good. But first, we should focus on that boss, Lucky Luciano III.
Mark Wayne Windle: Agreed mein Kaiser. He knows who the Mafia is with. Where and how they are getting this weapons, he will also know that. Treason is never tolerated.
Kaiser Wilhelm VIII: Right you are my friend. I award you two with this. The Order of Louise 1st and special class.
Special class
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First class
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