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the meek shall inherit :: juneapril 7th, 2020

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the meek shall inherit :: june
april 7th, 2020

FOR THE PAST TWO WEEKS, NOTHING IMPORTANT REALLY HAPPENED. I caught up on 'Awsten + Travis' Slumber Party' completely, including the episodes in the new season. Awsten and I finished Disenchantment on Netflix, and we restarted Rick and Morty.

 Travis is still in New York with Ivy, and my sister called me two weeks ago telling me she kissed Travis and he asked her if she wanted to go out on a date when all of this is over. (She said yes.)

 After commenting on Lucas' post, Noella Bright followed him on Instagram and on Twitter. He followed her back.

 Awsten and I kissed in the kitchen again, and about ten minutes later, Lucas woke up to get a glass of water and scared the shit out of us. He sat with us the rest of the night and we had to pretend we were going to bed just to get rid of him.

 "We're gonna eventually tell him, right?" Awsten had asked me once Lucas went back to bed.

 I had shrugged. "I mean, probably. Let's just wait until this is all over though, okay?"

 We watched all the Harry Potter movies in order, and then the original Star Wars trilogy. We also watched Scott Pilgrim again.

 Awsten told me daily that he wants to kiss Ivy's dog, Kelso, on the lips, and I told him every single time if he kissed a dog on the lips I'd never kiss him again. I accidentally said it in front of Lucas once, but thankfully, he thought I was joking.

 Natalie Hawthorne finally posted an article about Travis being spotted in New York, and Ivy shared it on her Instagram story and wrote "is this fr?" with the shocked emoji. It made Lucas laugh.

 Speaking of Lucas and Ivy, Lucas finally got over her, and the two talk every day again. I think it might have something to do with this Noella Bright person, but I'm not 100% sure yet.

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Liked by jawnrocha and 162,905 others

june.collins new things coming soon (photo credit: @awstenknight)

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lucascleary @awstenknight Delete this comment

i.v.collins the hair on the face is giving me flashbacks to emo june
june.collins @i.v.collins SHUT UP RN

thenataliehawthorne Is anyone else thinking Little Shop of Horrors?

june collins
april 8th, 2020

"When he's gone the world will be yours!" I sing along to the music, pouring flour into a bowl.

 "C'mon, June, Little Shop of Horrors again?" Lucas groans, walking into the kitchen.

 I continue to mix together dry ingredients for blueberry muffins and shrug, pausing my singing saying, "It's been on my mind lately."

 Lucas scoffs, opening the fridge and looking around. He takes out a bottle of shitty apple juice he picked up on his last grocery run and hoists himself up onto the counter.

 "So who's this Noella Bright girl commenting on your Instagram and replying to your tweets?" I smirk. After two weeks I've learned almost nothing about her.

 Lucas turns pink and chuckles, rubbing the back of his neck. "I dunno, she's just this girl..."

 "Well, you know what they say," I begin as the song ends and the next one ends, "They say the meek shall inherit," I grin, singing along.

 Lucas laughs. "She's a woman, June, not 'Seymour Krelborn's Gardening Tips.'"

 Awsten comes into the kitchen, rubbing his eyes sleepily, and mumbles a, "Can y'all please shut the hell up?"

 I shake my head, singing, "They say the meek gonna get it, and you're a meek little guy!"

 He shakes his head and opens the fridge, looking around like Lucas did, but ends up closing it empty-handed, saying,

 "Lucas, the next time you go on a grocery run, can you get some orange juice? We're out."

 "We're out of fucking everything," Lucas says.

 "We're not out of muffins," I smile. "Now back to this Noella Bright girl, are y'all talking? What's going on?"

 "I wanna hear about this too," Awsten says.

 Lucas smiles down at his apple juice. "I dunno guys...I'm serious, she's just this girl."

 "This is good!" I beam. "I'm happy for you, you got over Ivy and now you have Noella. The Collins-Cleary household's love life is thriving."

 Lucas raises an eyebrow. "No offense, June, but since when is your love life thriving?"

 My eyes grow wide as I realize what I just said. "I uh, I meant you. Your love life is thriving. You live in the Collins-Cleary household, don't you? And since you're apart of it, that means the Collins-Cleary household's love life is thriving."

 He narrows his eyes and Awsten stays silent, opening the fridge again.

 Lucas looks to me, and then to the green-haired boy, smirking and taking a sip of his apple juice. He jokingly says, "Are you two doing it or something?"

 Awsten closes the fridge quickly and says, "No! Of course not! Ew!"

 Lucas laughs. "Oh my God, wait, really? You two are doing it for real?"

 He goes on for the rest of the morning being obnoxious and telling us he's happy we're both getting some as I make the muffins. He goes on and on about how he's not quite sure how he hadn't caught on yet, and he calls himself an awful friend/roommate/fake boyfriend multiple times.

 I hit him in the back of the head with the potholder more than once.

someone tell netflix to put phantom of the opera back on there rn or i'm fighting them

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