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the rock showjuly 21st, 2020

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the rock show
july 21st, 2020

AWSTEN SHOWS THEM AROUND LA. He takes them to his favorite restaurants, and stores, and all those different places.

 Otto and Geoff arrive. June calls Awsten out for lying to her about them 'being on their way' how many days ago and he just shrugs, telling her it was all for dramatic effect.

 The Collins sisters freak out as it's getting closer and closer to the 10 year anniversary of One Direction. "I'm a One Direction fan," Ivy tells the boys. " A 1D fan, a Directioner if you will."

 "Ivy, I will give you $5 to shut the fuck up," Lucas groans.

 June helps Awsten redye his hair in time for the show, and she helps him pick out the perfect socks. She holds up a blue pair with little clouds on them. "These ones," she says. "The ones you wore the night we kissed for the first time."

 He pulls her in for a hug and kisses the top of her head. "Perfect."

july 22nd, 2020

"How do I look?" Awsten beams at his girlfriend.

 She looks up from her phone and smiles at him. He's wearing dark jeans, and a jacket with blues and greens. A baseball cap from Annie's Diner sits on his head, his freshly dyed hair poking out.

 His jeans are cuffed up to show the blue socks and June smiles. "Like a trillion bucks, baby!" she jokes.

 He raises his eyebrows. "A trillion? Wow, I must look cute as hell then."

 June jumps up and plants a soft kiss on his cheek. "C'mon, you don't wanna be late to your own show."

 She pulls him out of his apartment and towards his car. "Oh, c'mon, it's just the rehearsal. Not the actual show."

 "Yeah, you can't really be late to that either."

The show starts, and they play a few of their songs. Lucas, Travis, Ivy, and June stand at the front, and June decides this might be one of the happiest moments of her life.

 They sing an acoustic version of blink-182's 'The Rock Show,' "I fell in love with the girl at the rock show," and Awsten tells the crowd it's because the song was actually written about him and Travis, so since Travis is here, he had to sing it.

 Then, after they play 'High Definition,' Awsten says, "This next song is for a girl that I kind of have a crush on. I know she asked for an album, but she's gonna have to settle with just one song for right now."

 June actually gasps. Did this mean...? Was he...?

 And sure enough, Awsten Knight sings a song that could only be about June Collins.

 She wished she would've put two and two together quicker and pulled out her phone to record it, but realizes that almost everyone around her is already recording. She was definitely going to be playing this song non stop for the rest of forever.

 When the show's over, and everyone's done meeting with the band, June kisses Awsten.

 "You wrote a song about me," she beams.

 "I wrote a song about you," he grins down at her, pulling her in for another kiss. But then he breaks it. "Did you like it?" She nods and pulls him back in, but he pulls away. "What was your favorite part?"

 She smacks him lightly on the arm. "Just shut up and kiss me back, idiot."

 "Whatever you say, Kookaburra."

 This time it's June who pulls away. She scrunches up her nose. "Oh, not that nickname again."

 "I like it."

After the show, they all go out for dinner. June and Awsten drive over separately.

 "Can I tell you something?" she asks him.

 "Go for it," Awsten answers.

 "Do you remember when you went to Target with Lucas? Back in March, on the first you first came to Seattle."

 "Vaguely, why?" He quickly glances over at her before looking back at the road.

 "When you and Lucas were gone, I was on the phone with Ivy." She smiles down at her hands.

 "You were always on the phone with Ivy, wow," he laughs.

 "Shut up, let me tell my story." She furrows her brow and he laughs again. "I was all upset that you were staying with us, and you know what she told me? She said 'Maybe you'll get some.'"

 "And then you did!" Awsten grins.

 "Yeah, I did," she laughs. "I'm not even gonna lie, I thought you were the worst. Ivy asked me if I thought you were cute and I said something like, 'Being annoying trumps being cute.'"

 He raises his eyebrows. "So does that mean you thought I was cute or...?"

 "I said you're 'Not cute' you're 'a pain in the ass.'"

 "You confuse me, Collins. First, you say I'm not cute, and then you kiss me on the kitchen floor. Does this story have a point or are you just making it known that you wanted to kill me a few months ago."

 She shrugs. "I dunno, I was just thinking about when we first met. I did want to kill you."

 "And now look at us," Awsten smiles. "We're all cute and shit."

 June smiles and takes Awsten's hand. "Can I tell you something else?"

 He playfully drops his jaw. "Oh no, you're gonna kill me before we get to the restaurant, aren't you? This was all just an elaborate plan. You never wanted to kiss me, you just wanted to murder me—"

 "Awsten, oh my god, shut up," she laughs.

 "Okay, I'll be serious, what is it?" he asks and June squeezes his hand.

 "I'm glad I went into quarantine with you."


this is so 🥺🥺

𝙌𝙐𝘼𝙍𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙄𝙉𝙀, a. knight ✓Where stories live. Discover now