Chapter One

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DISCLAIMER: This won't be completely historically accurate as I know more about music and fashion from the eras that will be written in this story (1970-1991 is what I am aiming for with some time jumps so that it isn't crazy long). I am basing it off of what I know, have seen in class and in movies and t.v., have been told from my mom, and when it comes to personalities of the real people it is based on what I've seen in interviews but a lot of it is just framed in a way to suit the storyline. Also I don't know much about London or surrounding cities, so some of this is from basic research as well. Enjoy!

February 1970

Looking out her bedroom window, Anastasia watches the sun rise on the cold city she has called home for the past year and a half.

At eighteen, she left her small home in Nashville to study fashion at West London College. She could've stayed in Tennessee, but when the opportunity to study abroad came up, she couldn't say no. The only issue was money. Or it was until her pen pal, Elizabeth, sent her information on scholarships she could get. She applied for any and every scholarship she could and was, fortunately, awarded them. As far as housing was concerned, Elizabeth wasn't going to let her friend live in a dingy dorm with a total stranger. So, the two live together in a small flat.

Anastasia closed her curtains and sat down at her desk. She pulled some paper out and grabbed a pen and started to write a letter to her parents so that she could get it in the mail before her classes start. She made sure to tell them about her grades, how Elizabeth was doing, how work has been, and about one of her newer friends, Freddie.

She finished the letter and placed it in a stamped and addressed envelope and dropped it in her yellow canvas backpack. She grabs some clothes that she had laid out the night before; a simple white turtleneck, some thick black stockings, and a black and yellow plaid skirt. After she gets dressed, she takes some strands of her thick curly hair and pins them so that they are out of her face. She sits down at her vanity and places a sliver locket around her neck and brushes some mascara through her lashes. Before leaving her room, she put her black boots on and grabs her bag.

Anastasia pauses in the kitchen, debating on leaving Elizabeth a note to explain why she's gone so early. She decides to and grabs a legal pad off the coffee table and begins to jot a quick note down:


I had an errand to run, so I will see you later this evening. Remember, Fred is coming over to get ready with us.

I love you!

Anastasia put on her blue pea coat and put the note on the fridge using a banana magnet. She walked out the door and almost let it shut before rushing back in to grab her keys from the catch all dish and shut the door and locked up.

The girl was lost in her thoughts as she walked along the cold sidewalks on her way to the post office. She couldn't help but think about home and that she needed to try and plan a visit so that she could see her family. As she continued on her way, she heard a familiar voice.


She turned around to see her friend Freddie jogging towards her.

"Asia, darling, what are you doing out this early?"

"Well, what are you doing out this early?"

"I asked you first...but If you must know, I just left Mary's."

"Ooh, another sleepover with little miss Austin."

"Don't make a big deal out of it."

"Tell me about it!"

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