Chapter Twelve

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Perhaps, she needs more time.

Exclusivity with Jennie is already dream-like. I've learned that good things come to those who wait. So whenever she's ready, officially being each other's girlfriend will be even more sensational.

"Stop smiling at nothing, you'll scare my producers!"

I'm slapped out of my giddiness by Chaeyoung's accessorized hand to my head.

"Chipmunk, your rings really hurt." I whimper and massage the now bruising back of my head. She sits on the make up chair next to me. "Are they liking the photos so far?".

"See for yourself." we look over at the line of producers huddled by the photographer and the monitor where all of Chaeyoung's shots are displayed. The infatuation on their faces is unquestionable and their progressing 'ooo's and 'ahhh's for her pictures depict their interest in seeing more. With the bustling stylists and hard at work set designers, they are unbothered while looking at Chaeyoung's pictures. "I'm exhausted." she leans her head on my shoulder.

I can imagine. I'm exhausted for her. Photoshoots are demanding. You have to do everything you're told with no excuses, only outfit changes as breaks and while looking good every second. Yesterday was tiring enough.

Day two projects are always the kicker.

I transfer the blanket on my lap to hers as a cover for her bare legs. "Do you think the outfits are a little, you know...?" she unfolds the blanket to cover her whole body.

It was a shocker to me when Chaeng came out in her first outfit earlier. It was merely a bralette and a mini skirt. The clothes of this second photoshoot are more revealing than yesterday's. The concept for the comeback is 'girl crush' which is something she hasn't shown to the public yet. Perhaps, that's why it is surprising to see her in such clothes. "Are you uncomfortable?" I ask, pulling up the blanket to hide her exposed shoulders the cropped off shoulder top shows.

"Maybe a little." it's a hollow laugh that she makes, "There's just a lot of people here watching.".

A chorus of wows comes from the producers and they clap after the photographer shows the last photo. I turn to my friend who shifts on her seat with a red face. "Rosé, let's all get a team photo!" one of the producers says.

"Chaeng, you should change first." I say.

"Gather around everyone!"

"Let's just get it done." She sighs heavily and wraps the blanket around her to join the team photo.

We arrive at Chaeyoung's apartment at eight o'clock sharp from the studio. She goes in for a shower while I heat up some instant noodles- her request- for dinner.

My phone rings and I'm elated to see Jennie is finally calling. "Hi, baby!" I greet happily. I hold the phone between my ear and shoulder and bring the cup noodles to the dining table.

"Hey, Lili, sorry I was extra busy today with Wendy that I couldn't have even a second with my phone." she apologizes for not replying to my messages.

"That's okay." I reply. Despite the fact that I was missing her all day, I'm glad she has time to sit and talk. "How was work?"

"We had way more customers today!" she fills me in on the consistent flow of customers entering the café throughout the day. Many came for books, but most came to have the ever so special coffee recipes. With the new item she's planning to add to the menu, I'm sure Coffee Pages would be in more demand soon enough. It makes me happy to hear how proud she is of herself and Wendy for working tirelessly all day. "How about you, babe?"

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