The Sun

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She was in the sewers hiding. Pipes, brick, concrete paths and a lake of ooze right beside. She was hiding because somebody was chasing her. For once it was too hard to see. It felt like everywhere she went was never far enough. It was going to find her, destroy her, take away the little of herself she had left. 
She suddenly found herself at a dead end. The only way out was down a dropoff to her left. Water rushing against the thin concrete ground below.

The creature turned the corner. It's shoulders practically took up the entire width of the pathway, but was too hard to see in detail due to the dark. It had a circular head with two little bear ears, big arms with retractable clawed fingers, and little digitigrade legs that somehow still held it up. It's bulging sharp cat eyes spotted her, and it's big toothy mouth opened up.

"Ah haha!" He laughed with a voice destroyed by time, "Looks like there's nowhere to go." 

Match glanced down the dropoff. 
"Oh? You think suicide is a worthy way out? You are already dead. Just let me be the one to do it. Let yourself be on my death count. Leave something for others to remember you by." The creature grumbled.

Shivering, Match looked away from the dropoff, surrendering. She watched the floor instead of giving him eye contact.

"Verry good," The creature breathed. He approached, and gently picked her up in his massive paw. 
Match closed her eyes ready to be snapped in half, but the creature didn't harm her just yet, "Interesting…" He hissed. He flipped her around in his hand to observe her like a caught fish, "Mechanical, organic, and magical. Reminds me of myself.. I was once a tiny weakling too. They beat me down, showed me the world for how it really was, but they also showed me who I.. really was. A great force of anger as potent as a nuclear bomb," He clenched his other fist and flexed a bicep at 'nuclear bomb'. He fixed his gaze back on Match, breath hot and smoky.

"You are weak because you still hold onto the idea that the world is fair. You're complaint, like the ocean obeys the moon. That is a start, but I am the Sun. Powerful, ravenous, and everyone in my territory bends to my will. I get to call the shots because everyone else can't, but my power doesn't come from nowhere. I only get to be the sun because I fly with a black hole.

The Monster Spirit loves what I do. I don't fight or try to escape. I bathe in its gravitational pull and let it shape me into an unstoppable machine," He pretended to shower in invisible liquid, "In return, I am a force of nature more than a man. I am the Monster Spirit's reaper and with them by my side I am as deadly as the empire itself,"

He shifted his weight as he stood up straight.

"Now that you are in my grasp you have failed The Monster Spirit. Only the strong are allowed to continue living. Maybe in your next life you will serve it better," Swiftly the creature bit down on Match's head and pulled it out of her body like a snail from a shell. He then snapped the rest of her wood body in half and then stuffed it in his mouth. He crushed the sprintery wood with his maw until all of Match was gone, or so he thought. 

The creature held his chest and began to wheeze, and the wheeze turned into a cough. He was finding it troublesome to breathe so he put one of his massive paws on the wall to lean. 
"What the.." 

He paused for a moment, then softly, started to chuckle. A bellow of a laugh followed completely eclipsing everything else about the creature. He was being taken over, possessed.
Match was laughing.


When the sun peeked its head over the horizon Match's rest was interrupted by the stinging sensation she felt. 

What a horrific dream. 
As scared as she was she sorta liked what had happened in it and didn't know why. She kept smiling, especially about possessing the dream monster. 

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