Boinks Police

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Boinks was a fairly new city when it came to Match. Before Golf Ball lost control of it, it was an ancient human city being preserved for future generations. Before the contents shifted it used to be on the right southern tip of Goiky connected to the sea. After a billion years the city had gone uncared for and thus objects began to move in and innovate. 

Still right on the coast, Boinks main export was seafood that was sold more to a population of raccoonish-wolfmen called wereras. The wereras had evolved from simple raccoons to their now much more human shaped form. Unknown to them, their introduction to the planet had caused a boom in object spawning. 

All objects were once a comfort item to someone out there. Objects were made of three things: a part of someone's soul, the object itself, and an alien chemical known as activator. 
If an object meant enough to someone, a single dip in activator could bring them to life. The person and their object were linked because both were made from the same soul, although object souls were a lot smaller than any other living things. 

Match, like all of the other originals, were made of long dead human souls. Match had never actually met Gabby Stück, or had many memories of her besides almost becoming her. Long ago during a BFDI off season a power hungry human soul from the past had tried to 'restore the human world'. They would have succeeded if not for the natural ingenuity of Tennis Ball.

In that memory killing transformation when the reversing of her own self to her human self was in full swing, Match had discovered how horrible she had really been compared to how she was now. She had already made herself into a police officer before the catastrophe, but when she was being rewound all of what made her a horrible person started to come back.

Selfish.. lazy.. irresponsible.. mean…
She was disguised by how she was, but not anymore.

In her Boinks apartment in the top right corner of her room Match had placed her cabinet with the mirror. She sat in a chair she had just paid 'the boys' to bring her. They were just finishing up with the arrival of her recovery center into the room. A snare drum placed her recovery center in the lower left corner, across from where Match was now.

In the top right corner where Match was sitting she was facing the wall with the door. A little window to her right looked out to the street below. Across from her in the lower left corner was her recovery center which was as large as a shower. A little to the right of the center up against the back wall was her bed. It wasn't anything special, but she wanted something to sleep on while she was here, and she had the money to be on the fly as she was.

The snare drum left her alone with a final wave of his black little dot hand. He left and closed the door behind him. 
Match looked at herself in the mirror. She was no longer ashamed of who she was. Well maybe except for that little splinter. 

Match noticed a little splinter on her wooden body had broken, leaving it leaning out of place. Gently, she gripped the splinter and tugged hard. The splinter peeled away cleanly, leaving only the unbroken white pine fibers.

Match grinned at herself in simple satisfaction. She then put on her police cap and exhaled. It was time for her to get started.


Match opened her door and went outside her apartment.

Down the red and yellow patterned hall was an upside down sock who noticed her and began to approach.
The toe part of him hung low like the loose fabric it was. It resembled a long hat, or lock of hair.  

"Oh! Howdy neighbor! I just wanted to say welcome to Boinks!" The sock pointed behind him with a thumb, "I just live three doors back that way at 325, and I know Boinks gets a bad rap, so I'm here now to be all friendly like, because new people sometimes feel like they don't have a friend in the whole city, and I don't want that to be true for you," The sock said. Match looked him over. He was a couple inches above Match's match head, but more interesting was a thread in his chest that was unraveling and coming loose. 

{BFDI} The Poison in BoinksWhere stories live. Discover now