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Going nowhere near Boinks the cart headed for another, closer object city state.

The Malla city was created by Golf Ball and Malla the fishing net. It was an artisan city with each building being extremely detailed and interesting. Unfortunately by the time the remcamen got to the city, all they could see was the air conditioned wall of the shipping container the cages had been stuffed into. 
At least it was cool in here. No sun, just chilled silky air relieving their pain.
Match couldn't stand the fact that she was in here. Again she was being taken away from where she wanted to be. Without her axe she was nothing again. Actually, her axe had just placed her in a very similar situation as before. It didn't really help, did it? It didn't really change anything. With power or not she was still at the mercy of this curse. 

She could kill people because it wanted her to, or she could kill people because listening to that urge felt good. The creep who gave her the enchantment didn't want to help her. It just wanted her to do whatever it said but better.

Whatever gave her the enchantment was just like the werera soldiers.

It knew she was intelligent and hurting, and instead of giving her a way out, pushed her to the brink. The creep rewarded her for being a better pawn because it was a plan. It had no interest in letting her go. It just wanted to make her feel like she had a choice. 

In a way she did have a choice all along. 
Match used to pride herself in her resistance. Of all the things the curse forced her to do, she always knew it wasn't anything she'd do on purpose. She was a victim to the curse and because of that, she wasn't held accountable for what she did under the influence.

But now.. she had done things because she wanted them to be done. Killed because she hated wereras, not because the curse had hated wereras. She may have needed to get rid of the soldiers out of self defense, and to help the other remcamen, but the shopkeeper… the werera with the sword.. that random woman.. the girl she traumatised and killed her father.

Those wereras were completely innocent. They had lives and families. As if Match could claim to be innocent when she herself embraced the terror she felt. Wore the pain on her shoulders and killed so that they might know what trouble she was in.

To be so cruel as to bring them down to her pain. Nobody deserved to feel the way she did in any form. Now wereras were mourning for their sons and mothers and fathers. Now wereras were scared of that monster stick with the weird head.

Nobody was going to help such a savage, and nobody should. She wasn't even herself anymore. She used to think she could at least stay herself on the inside. Match didn't even know who she was anymore if this horror was what she was capable of. 

To think only hours ago she had become a nightmare. Taking the most precious thing a werera had. The blood stained brown on her body deep in the grooves of her wood. The worst part was how much she had loved it. Each kill felt like a victory, a justice, one step closer to being herself again. 

A life was so unique, so precious, so incredible. How could she just take it away. Because of how she felt in the moment?! What a ridiculous reason to cause so much final pain. She didn't deserve to be rescued from this. She was this. Guilty guilty guilty.

And now what was worse, was that she had helped The Queen spread her parasite to the wereras. Maybe The Queen would've found a way without her, but time was the one thing no one could take back. Match had sped up the process and there was no undoing it now.

No species on Earth was safe. If Match wasn't compliant to turing ErkTrout, then maybe the objects would've had enough time to discover the remcamen and stop it. Stop it before it had enough time to infect the wereras. Now it was already too late, and all of the what ifs were useless. 

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