The Call

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In an empty warehouse Matty, a tan, outdoor welcome mat, ran up into the middle of the floor and dialed on her cell phone. 

She turned around and saw nothing. The tall windows brought sunlight from the outside while also casting long brick patterned shadows. 
She held her phone tight, sweat coating the case. 

An answer. 
She picked up the phone to her face and focused her eyes around the warehouse.
Was someone listening? Somebody outside? Nobody. But the doubt kept creeping in. 

She backed up into a wall where nobody could sneak up behind her.

"Hello?" She spoke into the phone, "Bandana I can't stay here any longer, I, I need you to pick me-" Matty thought she heard something being masked by the sound of her voice. So she looked around. Just the wind bartering the doors? Did someone open a door?
"Matty? What's wrong? You need me to pick you up?" Bandana asked, his voice slightly distorted through the phone. 

"Yes. I need to leave Boinks. It's not, It's not…" Matty held her phone away from her face. She was shaking. She wasn't even cold. Why was she shaking? 

The tan fibers in the center of Matty violently pulled themselves tight like muscle cramp. She dropped her phone to hold herself as all her weight suddenly only had the wall for support. Her center felt as if it was going to rip itself apart. Still shaking she slid off the wall and onto the floor.

"Matty?" The tiny Bandana voice from the phone asked.

A foot came down on the phone, smashing it. The light from the sun was blocked briefly by clouds. The whole warehouse was suddenly dipped in blue shadow. 

Matty, curled up on the floor, cried out in a scream of pain and frustration.

"Sorry," the mystery object said. 

Matty's center relaxed, but she cried softly on the floor as the mystery object left. No emotion in their eyes, nor swagger in their step. They opened the door and left. 
The sun returned to the warehouse.

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