Remcamen Center

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Months had passed since the remcamen had escaped, and they hadn't escaped since.

Match was sitting in a patch of grass in the unmoving air. Trees populated the area into a contained forest. It was a vast and open terrain. Hills and lakes, butterflies and birds, rocks and dirt. Lots and lots of dirt. All of it was under a tinted glass ceiling that kept the harmful rays of the sun at bay. She was sitting in a giant box encapsulating the island. The island used to only be for the science building, but now it was a gift to the remcamen. 

Every single bit of the box was remcamen proof. The walls ran so deep that not even a drill could dig under it. They tried. 
The beaches of the island were left out of the box because of their access to the sea, but many object made pools and canals made up for it. 

Beside her was a tunnel the remcamen were digging into the ground. It was large and wide and getting deeper. She was politely waiting her turn as the extension cord sat next to her. He was eventually going to tell her when it was her turn to dig, but for now she didn't mind waiting. 

The bacon candle did though. 

As one of the many guards that the remcamen had infected, the bacon candle still could talk. Match wished he didn't.
"I don't really understand this whole, digging thing with you guys. I'm not a remcamen so it's expected I wouldn't, but I'm curious so I'm going to try it out. Is that cool with you Match? Power cube guy?" He was talking to the extension cord, but he just ignored him.

Righty the right sided sock walked up to the candle.
"Bacon! What are you doing!?" Righty asked.
"Socializing with the remcamen. I'm trying out this new digging craze they would be talking about if they could," Bacon Candle said. 
"Guh," Righty held the imaginary bridge of his nose, "If you start acting like them, then we'll never get out of here! We need to show the public that we're not remcamem. Stop just.. sitting around! You need to stay angry. We were falsely imprisoned! That's something to be angry about!" Righty said. 

Match began to ignore them, and began focusing on something much more important.

Her children, far far away. ErkTrout had done a fantastic job spreading Match's strain of the curse. With each new remcamen, or rather werecamen, was another peek into the world through their eyes. 

It wasn't pretty. She could only control so much about the werecamen. It seemed the curse wanted them to spread the disease without any input from her. She was their queen, but even she couldn't stop what she had started.

Match looked back out to the world in front of her. The extension cord had grabbed her with his tail and shoved her in the tunnel they were digging. At the same time the bread cube had covered the entrance with a giant boulder. Now everyone in the pack was stuffed in there, and Match knew they were hiding. 

Pops and roars of motorcycle engines stopped nearby the boulder. They heard footsteps approach.

Righty, who was still outside the tunnel spoke up.
"Drawer! You gotta let us out! You know it isn't fair," Righty said, although it sounded muffled from underground. 
"What I know, is that you're delusional Righty, and I'm sorry but I can't let you out," Dresser Drawer said.

Righty kicked a tree in the background noise as the footsteps came over to the boulder.

Drawer pushed the boulder out of the way. He was dressed in a metal armor painted white with blue accents. A glass visor covered his face like a flat space helmet, but had tiny slits at the bottom so he could breathe. 

"We're just here for Match today," Drawer said as he looked down into the tunnel. Two other object guards in armor pointed their guns down into the hole.
"Match will come with us or we'll open fire and kill you all one by one," Drawer lied. It wasn't too long ago that Pencil had discovered that you could very easily lie to The Queen.

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